Friday, August 14, 2009

Something Brand New Has Taken Place!

During the month of July 2009 JM's Enterprises, 1215 Willow Pass Road * Pittsburg CA,(925) 439-8118 was the host to a powerful demonstration, the Creator has given me the ability to speak in the tongue of angels in order to provide a wake-up call that will in time include the salvation of the entire world.

You too can witness what the world believe's is impossible to produce! email: DON'T MISS OUT!


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Coonhound said...

Jeff, you want some prophetical insight?

He'll be back and green stuff will be spewing.

Anonymous said...

LOL Spinning head and all

Anonymous said...

How long has it taken for lunch time in the past Coonhound?

Coonhound said...

Who knows.

Coonhound said...

So, seriously. You're fasting right now?

Anonymous said...

Yes, but I just snuck a small pumpkin pancake. My kidneys are bothering me a little, so I am flushing with water. A lot of water.

Coonhound said...

Pumkin pancake.

Yumm, never had that.

But I do make a pumpkin cake this time of year.

My sugar falls quick, so I can't fast.

I eat many many times a day in smaller portions.

Anonymous said...

Coonhound from this John 6

53Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. 57Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever." 59He said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum.

Who is Manna? Or what?

Anonymous said...

I have had a cup of coffee every day. Without cream which I really do not like so much, but I get headaches and the caffine helps, but Tylenol or Advil will hurt my stomach and kidneys with no food, so I do the coffee.

My sugar drops too. Really bad, I get dizzy and weak. So, the pancake helped.

Coonhound said...

Are you quizing me jeffSees???


Coonhound said...

Manna ate by forefathers was consumed without the Spirit.

You need the spirit of christ to eat the LIving Manna.

So its a combination of the Word and Spirit.

Coonhound said...

Of course, the spirit was present for the forefathers.

Anonymous said...

No, LOL it wasn't a quiz. Jesus' word is the food we eat, "eat me", so, who were they following the word of, Manna, is what I was thinking.

Therefore, who is Manna was a true question I have, not a quiz. :)

Coonhound said...


Coonhound said...

You know the the Word, well.

Anonymous said...

Not well enough. There is so much to learn, it scared me away for many years trying to make sense of it. It was my mother who gave me the wisdom of prayer first for the truth in his word, and suddenly I just started growing. Still not fast enough because somehow we always get thrown into earthly demands, which always start to become wants/needs.

I will tell you, I thought I was understanding a lot, but I was only understanding a little, accurately Thank You God through Jesus for the Spirit! What helped me piece a lot more together was the movie The Gospel of John. I can better understand him "as a man" but perfect now. With that, it helped to see it as a whole.

Anonymous said...

WOW... Sometimes I can be so dense when it is right in front of me.

# Exodus 16:31
The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey.
Exodus 16:30-32 (in Context) Exodus 16 (Whole Chapter)

I just have to look it up. Now this makes sense to me. I knew this when I watched the movie, but reading John the last couple of days, I didn't realize what this was and meant.

When people ate actual bread, before Christ came. They died, and that was it. (Except the few that knew Our Father). When Christ came, he gave the same word to those that had died so they could be saved like us. (I still seek word on how that can be, who would deny him after death?, but know it will come).

So the Manna, was actually just a bread that they ate to stay alive on earth, but eventually we all die from this earth... Until Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I do love the Internet! So much easier.

A lot of times when I read, I start to research and get involved in other areas, trying to find something, but didn't, but get interested in what is there so it gets all jumbled. The Internet almost always stops that, (but not always LOL).

Anonymous said...

Coonhound How do you like this one. John 12

47"As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. 48There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day. 49For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it. 50I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say."

God is not evil, how loving is this.

Coonhound said...

Oh, I know it jeffsees.

Thanks for the post, I really needed that one:)

Have you "peeked" in on any other blogs lately?

Not a trick question, if you have then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about, no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Coonhound, and this one. He is coming to the end of his teaching as a man.

John 17
Jesus Prays for His Disciples

6"I have revealed you[a] to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word. 7Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. 8For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. 9I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. 10All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them. 11I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name—the name you gave me—so that they may be one as we are one. 12While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.
13"I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. 14I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. 15My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. 17Sanctify[b] them by the truth; your word is truth. 18As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. 19For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.

Anonymous said...

No, but I would never follow him. I just pray that other Christians will not, but I have a feeling one did.

Coonhound said...

Very soothing

Anonymous said...

That last prayer was for those he taught, here is his prayer for you and I.... YIPPEEEEEE

Jesus Prays for All Believers
20"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. 24"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25"Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."

Coonhound said...

I had "intuition" fall on me and peeked.

He has a new entry on his blog.

Anonymous said...

LOL, I can imagine.

Coonhound said...

Yes, we "christians" let that prayer fall to the wayside too often, including myself.

Its just humbling to me to read HIS words.

And what a message to all His children throughout the ages since Christ walked this earth!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know how man actual years ago that was.

Do you have a lot of children in your neighborhood who will be knocking on your door come halloween?

Coonhound said...

UmMm, No!

I live in the country, and I mean country.

And most christians "in town" will not partake in halloween festivities.

At most, I may have 1 or 2 kids with their parents by car.

Anonymous said...

On the news they were talking about the percentage of kids that did not go but to local social functions and that it was generally because of all the crime these days.

How sad. We used to go, we didn't think about the evil of the world. Heck we were just kids, and only thought about the candy back then.

Anonymous said...

now look at what the parents have to tell them, or put into their heads.

Anonymous said...

My real mother was not a christian, but when I grew up it was not a dis or a slap to Christ or God, it was more like creature features or scary stuff for kicks. I was not knowledgeable back then at all, but I believed in Christ. I do not know anything in the bible that tells us not to do Halloween yet actually. I just know that we are not to follow the spiritual realm

Coonhound said...

Well, I can assure you that when I moved here it was a "rude" awakening for me.

I grew up enjoying dressing up and getting candy.

Anonymous said...

I cannot say she was not a believer in Christ, she just was not someone who studied or showed a true love.

Anonymous said...

What is it that they teach and do about Halloween?

Coonhound said...

That its servitude to the devil.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it is?

Coonhound said...

Does that surprise you?

I only ask bc it would of surprised ME prior to moving here.

Oh, and people love to blame the romans and the catholics for conspiring it a long time ago, halloween, as trickery.

Anonymous said...

No, nothing surprises me anymore LOL. It gets so twisted sometimes.

Coonhound said...

No, I do not believe its servitude of the devil.


Anonymous said...

No, I haven't read anything, or felt the Spirit moving regarding it at all. I always take that as it is okay. Except for safety reasons with all the growing number of crack pots. I worry a bit about them. Especially when you look at a pedophile map. Those freaks are everywhere!

Coonhound said...

I know it jeffsees.

And they love to relocate to the outskirts of the large cities, especially the country.

Bc its easier. For them to find a place not in violation with the law.

We have a lot here for our population.

Anonymous said...

I guess I remember the later years of my childhood hearing on the news about far away places having "poisoned candy" and razor blade crimes, so they stared with x-raying the candy, then the last year or so, the mall started having trick or treat. We didn't trust they would have enough LOL, so we didn't go. :)

Coonhound said...

Oh yes, I recall all that too, especially in the 80's.

Anonymous said...

I must be a bit older than you LOL, I am thinking about the 70s when the crime during Halloween started showing up on the news and the changes happening.

Coonhound said...

I'm around the age of 40

Eck I did not enjoy typing nor reading that, not at all

Anonymous said...

I am around the age of way above 40 but just under 50 LOL

But I wouldn't want to do it over again in this society! So I am quite all right with it.

Coonhound said...

Yes, good point. Lol

Anonymous said...

so have they, or are they planning another attack?

Coonhound said...

Lol. You made me have to think there for a minute about what you meant!

I don't know.

Coonhound said...

What you say:)

Anonymous said...

BrendaStar, are you out there?

Now is the best time possible to post what you want everyone to hear. We won't bury it :)

BrendaStar said...

hey guys I just got back been busy today. I just read your message Jeff.. I gotta play a game of catch up lol :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda. I haven't watched your movie yet, but do have the link open and will watch.

BrendaStar said...

Certainly Jeff here it is :)

fact check things and you will be amazed. I always say that I tell people check for yourself watch it, check out things of interest to you, facts ect. and you will be blown away.

Anonymous said...

my head is not thinking to clearly right now, but eventually, I'll get there. I wish your other posts had not been buried so deep. I think they started back around 3000 or 3500. It is to bad Google doesn't have an easier way to go back.

BrendaStar said...

ill send you things of interest Jeff not to worry :)

that movie I posted just now is very good it is a MUST see.. NOW. :)
here is another movie that is great. This is what got Boogie so interested this movie im posting now.
here is the link my friend:

BrendaStar said...

wow a lot has gone on this afternoon
so Nag left for good hugh hmmmm.. we shall see. lol.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brenda. I may have seen that one when you posted it a way back, but I will save the link to my favorites anyway.

I have a little brain freeze going on right now after about 10 or 12 days of hell. LOL

BrendaStar said...

No problem :) are you referring to your Kidney issues? and the fasting?

Anonymous said...

LOL, the fasting is likely part of the problem, but was referring to the day Nag finally slipped and spilled the truth about his months of condemnation.

BrendaStar said...

Did I say something wrong guys? Is there anybody out there?

Anonymous said...

NEVER! but please be careful not to call him back LOL

Just wiped out. I think Coonhound must be also.

Are you going to be around tomorrow?

BrendaStar said...

I just dont understand where his hatred for God comes from, also he fails to see that man is the one that rejects God it is not God condemning man but man rejecting God he protects us they choose to be in Hell not God choosing for them.. I dont know how to explain it to someone in simple terms.. but over and over again that was his point and I will add his ONLY point yet missing the whole thing in the first place... its just so frustrating to even read it really.

BrendaStar said...

yes I will be around tomorrow but I will be in and out throughout the day and evening.. :)

Halloween festivities :)

my entry walk way to my house is practically a haunted house..

BrendaStar said...

i understand why you both are pooped.. battle...

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was disgusting. But even when Jesus walked the earth and taught, people hated him. He proved he was who he was time and time again, and people hated him. He confronted those in charge who hated him, they did not deny Jesus was correct. Man's want for control and freedom to do whatever they want without abiding by laws, and going for that almighty dollar, sex, and their own glory always seem to get in the way of them finding their heart and true happiness.

Anonymous said...

Nag said so many deplorable things, my list is hardly a fraction. It was really hard having any pity on him much less forgiveness and prayer.

BrendaStar said...

very true Jeff very, very true..

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear someone is still celebrating the fun with their children. We know it is not satanic to trick or treat. Kids need those fun times and memories. Yeah!!!!

BrendaStar said...

but thats is all we can do is pray for him.

Anonymous said...

you know, when Jesus was preparing his students that he will be taken for persecution. He gave them the glory, he charged them to do as God had charged him to do. He told them, if you do not forgive a man, I and the father will not forgive. When is to far, to far. How much are we required to forgive and pray for them? Just a really big battle I have been having for weeks with this man now, but only pray because I am not sure anymore.

BrendaStar said...

I think we must pray for him.. I understand your point though like Garrido for instance

BrendaStar said...

thats why I do it is for her otherwise i wouldnt care lol :)

Anonymous said...

I still can't get myself to pray for Garrido. If it wasn't clear to me that it was to be put to death, maybe, but they will not put him to death because of the law, so what is to forgive and pray for. He gets off rather easy. He won't have a soul to talk to, but he is not getting what God's law says. But there is more than one death for people like him.

Anonymous said...

you do it for her.... Who is her? Sorry, didn't know how to phrase that.

BrendaStar said...

I pray justice will be served for that man.. only that.

Anonymous said...

that is a very wise prayer. Nice!!! Put it in God's hands. Release these chains that bind me.

BrendaStar said...

(her) lol :) my daughter I was referring to Halloween.

Anonymous said...

What a good mommy!

Hey, I have a spiritual question for you. One thing about this battle is I have had him flowing through me. I have been reading and reading and reading since I found this bible on the Internet. It has all versions and matches my bible, so I have no problem reading it it, as it is so much bigger and easier (possible) with my vision.

But, my question is, do you know, when Jesus teaches, and I will have to look for the scripture again if you need it, but he teaches that when he comes again, he will awake the dead and bring them to him. What about the people who have chosen.... WOW drew a blank for the term re: burning of the body. I am tired.

Anonymous said...

Do you know, is he referring to Spirit alone? When he arose again, his body was gone, and he was seen in his body after he died on the cross. So, I had that marked to look for if he instructs how to prepare a body after death.

BrendaStar said...

I personally think it was his spirit alone.. Ohh find that passgage. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I was looking, I just can't remember the exact words, and if you don't have the right keywords, it is difficult to find. I will find it later.

There would be actually 2 scriptures to this... the first that he will raise the dead, and the next when he was dead, placed in the tomb, was not there that evening and Mary Mag.... saw him in his body first, but later many others saw him in his body.

Anonymous said...

WOW... Ran into this one during my search:

Genesis 20:3
But God came to Abimelech in a dream one night and said to him, "You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken; she is a married woman."

Anonymous said...

21Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." 22And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. 23If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."

Found one we were talking about earlier though. I think I better take a break. tired eyes LOL

Anonymous said...

Whoops, that was John 20

BrendaStar said...

thank you Jeff :)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Coonhound and Brenda!

Peace be with you :)

Melodie Young said...

Are people using this place as chatroom or what?

If you people want to argue you might find it more efficient to do it in one of about a million appropriate places other than here.

Anonymous said...

Keep true to your word Nag. Didn't we expose You as Hurricane 3 days ago?

BrendaStar said...

Goodmorning Jeff :)

Coonhound are you out there?

Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda. Was just making my cup of coffee.

Coonhound said...

Hi B*.

Yes, I just peeked in and won't be here long. U good today?

Hello Jeffsees.

BrendaStar said...

Yes I am Coonhound and yourself? thank you for asking :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Coonhound

BrendaStar said...

me too El Jeffe :)

BrendaStar said...

so did anyone ever hear any more about that poor little 7 year old girl that was found in the landing fill. I am so mad at myself I am drawing a blank on her name and I hate that!

Coonhound said...

I'm well:)

Anonymous said...

No, I didn't' hear about the little girl. Where?

BrendaStar said...

I am glad to hear that Coonhound :)

Coonhound said...

Are you asking about Somer from FL and they found her at a landfill in ga?

Anonymous said...

Brenda, I accidentally closed all my windows last night. Was this the movie that was just released 5 days ago now, or is it something else?

Certainly Jeff here it is :)

fact check things and you will be amazed. I always say that I tell people check for yourself watch it, check out things of interest to you, facts ect. and you will be blown away.

Coonhound said...

If so, I haven't heard any updates yet, but will look into it later.

BrendaStar said...

you guys had a discussion about it awhile back but she was just found and her mother was doing all these press conferences this was last week. oh I remember her name was Somer Thompson.. I was just curious because the last time i Heard anything they had just found her and then nothing after that

Anonymous said...

Fall of the Republic, The Presidency of Barack Obama

Anonymous said...

that was suppose to be a question (?)

BrendaStar said...

yes Jeff that is the one... it is well done and amazingly full of information that you will be amazed, shocked, cimpelled to look into things also. its an amazing movie really.. I special ordered it a week before it was released to the public so I could start to burn vopies then it was just released to the public. But there is no copyright issue of any kind the maker of the fill wants us to give out free copies.. and to give it to everyone you know.

little by little will will awaken the world.

you guys were talking about prophecy and the end of times the other day.. I believe in prophecy!

BrendaStar said...

thank you Coon I will too and I will post anything I find if I can.. it was like she was forgotten not surprising my the media. oh shes found okay move on to the next little kidnapped girl.. so sad to me.. her poor family. She had a twin too.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is still prophecy to be seen, he didn't just leave us here to suffer amongst all this growing evil.

I am sorry Coonhound. I hope you do not feel that an argument. Just studying a lit bit on this. Daring to go forward into Revelations, but just a little.

Anonymous said...

Twin. And the left hand is missing. Did you search the Internet for news?

BrendaStar said...

I concur :)

BrendaStar said...


BrendaStar said...


BrendaStar said...

Not yet Jeff I was hoping to get an update but I will search it and try to follow up.

Anonymous said...

Somer Thompson is still in the news

This was 10/24/09

They think they had her in a vacant home for 3 days before killing her.

BrendaStar said...

heart breaking it still doesnt say anything that we didnt already know.

except ill retract the the emtpy house and thats it but they are indicating something really bad happened to her as to why they wont release the information because they could give the predator too much information as to what they know about the crime... I see...

just heart wrenching thank you for the article.

Coonhound said...

Biblical prophecy concerning the "end times" falls right in line with the Conspiracy Theories.

I'm sorry, I don't know what else to call them, I hope you take no offense to Conspiracy theories as a label.

Anyway, there is MUCH scripture, B*, that purely leads me to the understanding that Futuristic prophecy regarding specific people, places and events is not the WAY of the scripture nor God's intention for it.

I was at a cross-roads at one point to either "discern" or rely on others for understanding.

It took years of prayer, faith and reading the bible. And much patience to understand truth in the scriptures in that regards.

I hope you allow yourself the same opportunity bw you, God and His Word. The spirit of truth will not lead you wrong. But one must allow themselves the experience and set aside "other" understandings of the world.

I sincerely wish you the best with that and the Truth to glorify God.

My intent is that of being a Witness. In no means do I wish to be patronizing or insulting to you.

Prophecy is serious stuff to the World and to God.

I'm share this out of love.

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy Theory is half way correct, but acceptable. Some of it has been proven, therefore technically not a theory any longer.

Coonhound, I am not going to argue with a Christian. You may very well be correct, as I said, he has us (Christians) each where we need to be with him. I am still studying. If you want me to post what I find, I will and we can discuss it if you want.

What say ye.

BrendaStar said...

I take your advice with love too Coonhound point taken. :)

See I see how they all go right along with each other but I am still very torn on certain levels with all of that. but I do think the elite are evil men and they want evil things for us because they desire POWER and thats it. They are satanic worshipers FACT and they do want to enslave the world. I do think it is satans work truly I do. I also see all these new religions poppong up and all kinds of denominations that is satans work too they want us to fight so when the crap actually does go down we are at war with eachother..

"A house divided against itself cannot stand." Abraham Lincoln

Coonhound said...


Based on the honesty, humbleness, openess and sincerity of my post to B*,

It should be CLEAR to you that I am not going to "argue" with anyone concerning Futuristic Biblical Prophecy of the End Times.

I witnessed.

That's the end of it for me.

Anonymous said...

And Jesus told us.... I always have to refer to John these past ten days.... but he told us, all the tribes, to stand together for strength!!!! Amen

Anonymous said...

I will find that. Very important here!

Anonymous said...

This may take a while, unless anyone knows a searchable online bible that allows you to search within each book. BibleGateway's only defect I can see right now is that when you do a search it searches for the word throughout the entire bible and then comes up with so many verses.

Coonhound, does your last post mean that you do not need or want to see scripture on this?

Coonhound said...


I will offer this to you and you can take me up on it only at your free-will and I will not judge you either way.

If you ever would like ME to share in some scripture with you as to why I am firmly rooted in my beliefs regarding "prophecy" then maybe you can shoot denise an email and she can "hook" us up (me and you) to comminicate.

It's an open invitation to you, an offer you certainly don't have to choose.

But if you ever do, I will only share scripture and allow you to discern.

I won't judge you and there is no pressure intended.

I find you to be sweet and pure and do still adore you, and will no matter what you decide.

Anonymous said...

Coonhound. (?)

But if you ever do, I will only share scripture and allow you to discern.

Please give me the scripture.

Coonhound said...


I am fully aware of scripture (OT and NT) that is used by many to make a seemingly sound case for futuristic biblical prophecy.

So, no I do not need you to provide me with it.

But thanks for the offer.

BrendaStar said...


:) I adore you too :) I am honored youd like to share scripture with me really I am.

thank you Coonhound.

I might just take you up on that one day soon :) (hug)

Coonhound said...

(Hug) to you too.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Coonhound, can we please put this back into perspective as we have had the last few days. I am feeling as if you are bothered by this and now you no longer want to share the word as Jesus asked as all to do. I am not seeking to change your views. I offered to share scripture with you, you declined. I most certainly will honor your request.

But I asked you for the scripture you offered to Brenda for my own edification. Please do not read anything into this.

Anonymous said...

Brenda. Are you still there?

Anonymous said...

I am sorry Coonhound, I feel as I have just been insulted by my sister.

You told Brenda:

Anyway, there is MUCH scripture, B*, that purely leads me to the understanding that Futuristic prophecy regarding specific people, places and events is not the WAY of the scripture nor God's intention for it.


Prophecy is serious stuff to the World and to God.

So, now I have to reflect on your many questions to me regarding "Were you called to Prophecy, Are you a Prophet. Being a Christian, I took you by your word. You had an underlying reason to ask, rather than share your wisdom on this. Did I get labeled at that time? Yes, I am shocked and very much hurt.

BrendaStar said...

I just got back. was watching an MSNBC update on Somer. :(

BrendaStar said...

I hope you have a great weekend too Coonhound :)

BrendaStar said...

Jeff (hug)

Anonymous said...

thanks Brenda. I very much needed that. (hug)

BrendaStar said...

Jeff (squeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzeeeee HUG!)


BrendaStar said...

what that you needed a hug?

BrendaStar said...

ya know as they talk about our economy on TV and how wall street is doing better they FAIL to mention the dollar value has dropped so that would make sense.. Tards!

Anonymous said...

Yes. and thank you sqeeeeeeeze back at you.

BrendaStar said...

yet there are no jobs you can not have a "recovered" economy with NO jobs.. its a joke.

BrendaStar said...

perceptive I guess lol :) I could just tell by your words that you needed a hug and or two to boot! :)

its okay Jeff.. :) hold your head high my friend!

people process things in their own time and in their own way...

if you know your heart is pure then that is all that matters :)

Anonymous said...

I am pretty much out of the country's economics for the past month or so, but I did see something in the paper yesterday, said that a number of jobs had been "saved" due to 800 million or billion dollars plunged into it.

Anyway, it looked as if it was worded in a way that cannot be proved either way. How does anyone really know who would get laid off or fired, or business closed unless they see.

BrendaStar said...

well I can tell you the paper says a lot and there are still only three jobs in our paper for an entire town..

Anonymous said...

Thanks again Brenda. I don't know how a Christian is suppose to expose themselves and share as we are asked when one of their own will also attack. You can never find peace in this world. I do not like it. I hate being here.

Anonymous said...

If those three jobs have been in the paper for a while, you do not have three jobs in your town. If you ever applied, you would be a statistic. It is a cruel way to count in most instances lately.

BrendaStar said...


your welcome no need to thank me. Even though it feels that way I do not think she meant to attack you but as to say that she was not up for it today and right now it can be a lot and I do know that she has said many times that she does not like to even talk about these things on the internet.. Please do NOT be upset :)

I understand I always feel like I have to struggle and sometimes I get down on myself like why do the nice people have it so hard.. but I guess then I remind myself that the devil makes things easy but that the struggle to salvation is what makes you strong!

Like I said you and you alone know your heart my friend and if its pure then you hold your head high!!!

BrendaStar said...

well they switch when they get filled but seriously there has been 3 to 4 adds thats it the classified up here for employment used to take up three pages!!!!!

BrendaStar said...

Two little words. With these two words, two concepts were verbalized that have lived for nearly two and a half Millennia. They signify and characterize both the heart of the Warrior, and the indomitable spirit of mankind. From the ancient Greek, they are the reply of the Spartan General-King Leonidas to Xerxes, the Persian Emperor who came with 600,000 of the fiercest fighting troops in the world to conquer and invade little Greece, then the center and birthplace of civilization as we know it. When Xerxes offered to spare the lives of Leonidas, his 300 personal bodyguards and a handful of Thebans and others who volunteered to defend their country, if they would lay down their arms, Leonidas shouted these two words back.

Molon Labe! (mo-lone lah-veh)

They mean, “Come and get them!” They live on today as the most notable quote in military history. And so began the classic example of courage and valor in its dismissal of overwhelming superiority of numbers, wherein the heart and spirit of brave men overcame insuperable odds. Today, there lies a plaque dedicated to these heroes all at the site. It reads: “Go tell the Spartans, travelers passing by, that here, obedient to their laws we lie.”

We have adopted this defiant utterance as a battle cry in our war against oppression because it says so clearly and simply towards those who would take our arms.

It signifies our determination to not strike the first blow, but also to not stand mute and allow our loved ones, and all that we believe in and stand for, to be trampled by men who would deprive us of our God-given – or natural, if you will – rights to suit their own ends.

Anonymous said...

thanks again, even though you don't believe you need it. Holding my head up as a Christian I will, but the pride and glory in that does go to God, not to me for any wisdom I have to share, it is to glorify him. I just can't wait for the day we have to deal with it this way to be over.

BrendaStar said...

sorry that last post was for a blog of mine lol. :) but I will leave it there lol.

Anonymous said...

I like it, still trying to absorb it. I reread a lot.

Anonymous said...

I really do like this. Did you write this?

BrendaStar said...

no I did not write that. I have lots of friends that are:

Μολών Λaβέ which is in reference to the same thing that I posted that is the meaning of the words.

i had lots of questions on what does this mean? So i decided to put a blog about it.

Melodie Young said...

OK, I do not know what is going on in here but I have posted very little in here and I am indeed not this "nag" you speak of.

If everybody keeps chatting in here it is more likely that this page will get killed by blogger admins.

I am posting from my personal Google account that I have had for 6 years.

Melodie Young said...

So far all that I have read in here has been a bunch of idiots arguing around in circles for weeks.

It is so cluttered that no-one can make enough sense out of it in order to even figure out who made what point.

BrendaStar said...

"If everybody keeps chatting in here it is more likely that this page will get killed by blogger admins."

well arent you one to talk you keep posting in here!!! hmmmmm....

and what would be the problem if they did shut it down really!

BrendaStar said...

please read between the lines then!

Anonymous said...

Well Hurricane, I have been praying that Google would close this blog, but they haven't, and they likely will not. Do you suggest we leave it open for others like Garrido to continue posting flatulence for others to read and infect with more spew, or do you think we should continue praying Google close it and not subject anyone else by covering it with a more positive note?

BrendaStar said...

dont worry hurricane BIG brother will be shutting all of us down or watching us now so its okay no need to worry!

Anonymous said...

Brenda, Hurricane never showed up until Nag had lost face. Hurricane quickly left when he was confronted. Suddenly he is back. Hmmmm

Melodie Young said...

Here is a better place for all of this.

No sign-up needed, the chatroom is fully disposable after use.

Melodie Young said...

Anonymous said...

Or should I say at the end RUN FROM HELL. Just more lies. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!

You are the biggest lying crook of them all. I see Nagarjuna said, and I know to not read, but look for friends!!!

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. You are the "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Anonymous said...

I am sorry Brenda, I have to call them as I see them. A trouble maker Nag is plain to see!

Melodie Young said...

Hurricane here has better things to do than argue in this place, I come by here every couple of weeks to see what is going on, lately it has been too cluttered to tell anything.

Anonymous said...

Begone with you Satan, go to

Anonymous said...

Then please leave, who in the hell do you think you are to tell anyone else what they can do and when.

Anonymous said...

Or should I say at the end RUN FROM HELL. Just more lies. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!

You are the biggest lying crook of them all. I see Nagarjuna said, and I know to not read, but look for friends!!!

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. You are the "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Melodie Young said...

It is funny that you guys thing that I am this "Nagarjuna" person, I have read back a little and I have totally different beliefs than that person has posted.


What have I posted in the past that would connect me to "Nagarjuna"?

Anonymous said...

Or should I say at the end RUN FROM HELL. Just more lies. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!

You are the biggest lying crook of them all. I see Nagarjuna said, and I know to not read, but look for friends!!!

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. You are the "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Melodie Young said...

I think that pedophiles need watched more closely and if they fit certain profiles they might should be castrated before parole.

BTW, Garrido is not a typical pedophile, there were no warning signs that he was any more danger to children than he was to grown women.

Anonymous said...

Hurricane said...

Hurricane here has better things to do than argue in this place, I come by here every couple of weeks to see what is going on, lately it has been too cluttered to tell anything.

October 31, 2009 10:45 AM

Then please go do your other things rather than arguing and stirring it up all over again.

Anonymous said...


Please go away, and stop trying to stir this up again.

Melodie Young said...

I am int he middle of the argument now because I am being accused of being someone else.

I have posted about once a onth in here since the entire Jaycee Dugard - Phillip Garrido shit hit the fan.

Now I come in here to try to figure out what is going on and people refer to me as a ghost account of some nutcase.

Melodie Young said...

I have stirred NOTHING up.

I barely post in here.

I need some explanation as to why my identity is mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Or should I say at the end RUN FROM HELL. Just more lies. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!

You are the biggest lying crook of them all. I see Nagarjuna said, and I know to not read, but look for friends!!!

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. You are the "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Anonymous said...

A Nag you are, pointing out a lie to get the blog stirred again. Nag through and through. You will get same response as the last from here on in to expose you.

Melodie Young said...

Since when did I run when confronted?

I only come back in here rarely and there is so much crap posted I have no chance in hell of reading a response to a post I made 8000 comments ago.


BrendaStar said...

I for one have never accused anyone of being anyone else other then themselves and will continue to do the same!

Anonymous said...

Or should I say at the end RUN FROM HELL. Just more lies. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!

You are the biggest lying crook of them all. I see Nagarjuna said, and I know to not read, but look for friends!!!

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. You are the "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Melodie Young said...


What do you mean I pointed out a lie?
What the hell are you all talking about?

You people are nuts.

Anonymous said...

Ok Hurricane, what is "crap" as you say?

Do you hate and devile God and Christians

LucyInTheSky said...

Hurricane said
"I have stirred NOTHING up.

I barely post in here.

I need some explanation as to why my identity is mistaken"

Don't worry you aren't the only one.
Seems like some weird religious cult is going on here.
All outsiders are "ghosts" of one particular person.
They really are paranoid about it.

Melodie Young said...

What do you mean by "crap"?
And hating devil god christians?

I am confused by what comment I may have made in here in the past that has caused me to be accused of being somebody else.

I do not understand the hostility towards me.

BrendaStar said...

well actually I retract that i did think that Nag was Lucy lol...

Melodie Young said...

I have my own beliefs, if some of them matched up with "nag" I do not know, but I am seriously confused with the situation.

BrendaStar said...

castration has proved to not work because then they will use objects to violate victims!

Anonymous said...

Hurricane said...

I think that pedophiles need watched more closely and if they fit certain profiles they might should be castrated before parole.

BTW, Garrido is not a typical pedophile, there were no warning signs that he was any more danger to children than he was to grown women.

October 31, 2009 10:50 AM

JeffSees said...


Please go away, and stop trying to stir this up again.

October 31, 2009 10:54 AM

Please go read and stop insulting those of us who know and are angry he was ALLOWED TO DO THE THINGS HE DID TO AN INNOCENT CHILD!!!!


BrendaStar said...

I have no hostility towards you Hurricane.

BrendaStar said...


I am not paranoid thank you and I do not ever ask people to go away from here. I did at one point ask Nag if he was you and you were him and that was it! 1 comment.

judge individuals on their OWN actions please.

BrendaStar said...

you people hey now I am just me man.

Melodie Young said...

The question of what to do with pedophiles is very complex, there is no easy way out.
There are many things to do with human behavior that has no easy fix.

I truly have no way of discussing anything with anybody in here the way things are in here right now.

About the only reason to post anything at all in here right now is to simply get it archived with this macabre piece of criminal history.

I do not intend on getting into any long discussions in here, I was simply trying to figure out why my identity had been confused, which I still do not know.

Maybe I did a drive-by posting in here or something and it landed in the middle of s discussion and mad it look like I was a ghost account or something, I do not know. I have never followed any responses to my posts in here.

BrendaStar said...

It is not you there have been many accusations made here by many individuals! everyone has been accused of being everyone me included.. All I can say is that I for one do not think that.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry if you are not really Nag Hurricane. But you do have to read before you post the things you have posted.

You stepped in and insulted us, and you knew not what you spoke of.

I still suggest you go read.

Anonymous said...

This is Nag's favorite tactic, insults

Melodie Young said...

For the record I am mad as hell that the system failed Jaycee Dugard.
I think that everyone involved needs to be fired and she then needs to sue them, not for money (she is in for $10-$20 million from her book deal alone), but to make a statement, hell sue em for $5 each just so that the system has to admit that it fucked up.

BrendaStar said...

I agree that the system failed many in thihs case many and that they all should be held accountable but hey if they cant even bring justice to the people that caused 9/11 I have yee of lil. faith in big brother fixing things. It will take the people to change this!

Melodie Young said...

I am only posting any opinions at all right now because I want it known that I AM NOT "NAG", I AM ME.

Therefore there needs to be a separate record of my point of view.

Anonymous said...

Hurricane said...

So far all that I have read in here has been a bunch of idiots arguing around in circles for weeks.

BrendaStar said...

do as you must Hurricane

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