Friday, August 14, 2009

Something Brand New Has Taken Place!

During the month of July 2009 JM's Enterprises, 1215 Willow Pass Road * Pittsburg CA,(925) 439-8118 was the host to a powerful demonstration, the Creator has given me the ability to speak in the tongue of angels in order to provide a wake-up call that will in time include the salvation of the entire world.

You too can witness what the world believe's is impossible to produce! email: DON'T MISS OUT!


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Anonymous said...

Good morning to all!

Dr. Webb, thank you so much for the info. I will pass it along to my husband, plus I will look into it myself--the NeuroStimulator in particular. It would be incredible if there ever really was a cure.

Brenda, hello! It has been so long. How is your mother? Do you have plans for the holidays?

hankram said...

Hey, Phil! How's the jail food, you piece of shit?!

Anonymous said...

No problem Brenda.

You might want to read the Wikipedia page on Tinnitus (it does have medical sources and references to back up the claims made).

There are several drugs and drug mixtures which have a proven affect/effect on Tinnitus. I think Sertraline (anti-depressant), Carbamazapine (anti-convulsant?) and Xanax (anti-depressant) all have some positive impact on severe Tinnitus. I think that is only if the Tinnitus is a brain (neurological) problem though, and not an ear health problem.

If you want to email the excellent Neurosurgeon in Belgium, his email address is

Steve said...

Thought For The Day

January 4

"Try to treat with equal love all the people with whom you have relations. Thus the abyss between “myself” and “yourself” will be filled in, which is the goal of all religious worship.
– Anandamayi Ma

Love is a skill, a precious skill that can be learned. There are many other skills that are useful, even necessary, but in the end, nothing less than learning to love will satisfy us.

The saints and mystics of all religions tell us that life has only one overriding purpose: to discover the source of infinite love and then to express this love in daily living. Without love, life is empty; without love, life is meaningless. The only purpose which can satisfy us completely, fulfill all our desires, and then make our life a gift to the whole world, is the gradual realization of the divine Self within, which throws open the gates of love. We cannot dream what depth and breadth of love we are capable of until we make the discovery that this divine spark lives in every creature."
--Eknath Easwaran

MadOne said...

BrendaStar, castration may or may not work...Frankly, Phil G. and his wife missed their CIA rendition flight to a country that still practices burying alive for such crimes.
Yes, I understand that medieval justice was brutal and ineffective; yet severity of a punishment fit brutality of the crime. Robbing that poor girl of her childhood and crippling her for life merits a punisment a lot more severe than just a lethal injection (unlikely!!!) or even life in prison.
Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, but I have NO compassion whatsoever towards those two

Steve said...

I believe that had you inherited PG's genes, been raised as he was, had his experiences growing up, etc., etc., you would have done exactly what he did because all of those aforementioned factors and an interconnected infinitude of others would have caused you to do it. Thus, I think you are misguided not to feel compassion for someone who, along with Jaycee Dugard, her daughters, other family members and friends, is a victim of PG's mental disorder and/or defect that made him do what he did.

But then your lack of understanding, empathy, and compassion for the PG's of the world could also be seen as the inevitable result of the infinitude of factors making you who you are at this time. Perhaps those factors will change enough over time to significantly change you along with them.

BrendaStar said...

I have NO compassion for PG or NG! Maybe I can somewhat understand how people become completely F'ed up. I will NEVER understand how a human being could do such heinos things to another!! I think that a lot of us cant understand it, as to why we still dont understrand why these people do the things that they do. To say we should have compassion for them is going overboard if you ask me. I dont have ANY compassion for them. In fact i feel relieved.

BrendaStar said...

relieved they are off the streets! you can have understanding but you do not have to feel compassion how could you for PG and NG? compassion, really?

no quite the opposite if you ask me.

Steve said...

The fact that you don't understand how PG could do what he did and that you, therefore, feel no compassion for him doesn't mean that his actions aren't understandable and deserving of compassion. As it is now, it seems to me that you are like someone who feels no compassion for a blind man for being blind, a deaf man for being deaf, or a sick man for being sick. Nobody freely chooses to be blind, deaf, or sick or to face the limitations and daunting challenges of these conditions. In the same way, it seems to me that PG did not freely choose to have the warped desires and ideas that he had or to be defective in the restraints of conscience and concern for another's welfare that would have precluded a more normal person from acting as PG did.

Steve said...

Forgive me, Brenda, I should have addressed my previous comment to you instead of to MadOne.

"you can have understanding but you do not have to feel compassion how could you for PG and NG? compassion, really?"

If you believed, as I do, that PG acted the way he did because he was mentally ill and psychologically defective, how could you NOT feel compassion for him for the fact that his illness and deficiency not only wrought terrible hardship on others but also on himself?

BrendaStar said...

I still feel no compassion for him and her and to relate them to deaf, blind, and the handicap community is certainly a slap in their faces i think!

There is NO relation.

i really think Nag you have no idea what Jaycee endured! As a women you have NO idea what she has had to endure. you want me to have compassion for a monster plain and simple and i cant so now im the wrong one! nope quite the contrary i seem to think like quite a lot of others. i never said crucify him and do all these hateful things back to him in return but compassion is the farthest thing from my heart for Phillip Garrido. Pushing others to be compassionate is not okay either!

PG is a master manipulator! dont fall victim to his prey hes a sexual sadist look it up!

BrendaStar said...

i think my compassion goes to...........
Jaycee and her family.

there is a difference between knowing the wrong that someone has done and accepting that fate will take place and there is a difference between wishing malice on another human being. Not all people that do not have compassion for PG and NG want to harm him.

But calling a spade a spade is not a crime or wrong either. So no I have no compassion for any pedophile! It is a sick sick act to commit and take a child's innocence the purest of pure!

Steve said...

To your credit, or to the credit of the conditions making you who you are, you have not said that PG should be tortured or mutilated for his crimes. But my suggesting that you should feel compassion for him in the same way that you should for a blind or deaf person is no "slap in the face" to the blind or deaf. Because what caused PG to do what he did if not abnormal desire fused with a psychological blindness or deafness to the suffering he was inflicting on others for his own gratification? Had he been able to see or appreciate the harm he was causing, how could he have continued to inflict it?

You seem to be saying that if one understands, the way a woman does, the severity of the pain and suffering PG caused Jaycee, there is no way that one could feel compassion for him. But I say that if one truly understands that mental illness and psychological defect caused PG to do what he did to Jaycee, one can see PG as a victim of mental illness and defect and, therefore, deserving of compassion for the deeply unpleasant situation into which he has placed himself.

Steve said...

"It is a sick sick act to commit and take a child's innocence the purest of pure!"

You and I couldn't agree more. It IS a "sick, sick act" to do that to a child. But where you and I appear to differ is that I think ALL sick people, including PG, deserve compassion for the destructive symptoms of their sickness, whereas you seem to think that only SOME sick people do.

BrendaStar said...


You know that I have a biest opinion when it comes to this case anyways.

But as I do reflect I think have I felt compassion for any pedophile? and the answer is still no for me. I just cant do that. In fact it makes me angry.

I do understand where you are coming from. But I personally can not have compassion for these people. I do not view it (pedophilia) the same as someone that is deaf, or disabled, or anything like that. How can that be when they dont even know what exactly causes pedophilia but they do know that it does not go away ever! The difference here is that these people actually know what they are doing is wrong! but they dont stop! Its hard to have compassion for someone that willingly does something they know is wrong! yet the urges they have they go with instead of pausing and saying to themselves what is this urge going to do to this childs life? nope they are selfish and go with their urge. There is something way different here then your average sick, disabled, or mentally ill person.

People with mental illness dont know they have a mental illness. These people do. So explain that aspect. knowing you have an illness takes away from the innocent part of them being ill in the head. get my drift?

Steve said...

Brenda, many if not post people who are mentally ill know they are mentally ill. They may not understand the full scope or severity of their illness, but they know they aren't normal. This doesn't mean that they aren't mentally ill or that they can suppress the symptoms of their illness.

It makes perfect sense to compare PG to a blind person. A blind person can't see because something's missing or damaged in his eyes or brain that would allow him to see. PG was psychologically blind to the harm he was causing others because something was missing or damaged in his brain or mind that would have allowed his conscience and empathy to override his selfish and sick desire for sexual dominance and gratification with a young girl.

PG was both sick AND blind, and it is this disastrous combination, that he did not wake up one morning and freely choose to inflict upon himself, that CAUSED him to commit the crimes he did. And now he will spend the rest of his life in prison being hated, scorned, and in constant danger of being beaten, abused, and murdered.

His sickness and blindness brought this suffering on him, and it is perfectly appropriate to, therefore, see him as well as the Dugards, as victims of his sickness and blindness and to see ALL as deserving of compassion. There is no need to construct a false dichotomy of feeling compassion EITHER for the Dugards or for PG. One can and, in my opinion, should feel compassion for both.

BrendaStar said...

tonight at 9pm/10pm central time there will be a show on E television and its an investigation on the Jaycee Dugard case. (F.Y.I.)

Goliath said...

Is this a troll blog? ಠ_ಠ
Don't drop the soap dude.

Steve said...

Do you hope he "drops the soap," Vivi?

BrendaStar said...

I just have to say that CNN you disgust me!!!!!!

your network sensationalizes off of people's misery! like so many others.. it is a vile and sad sight to me..

playing her personal journal entries on air and then saying wow it gives such insight to what she went through...

get a clue! what do you think she went through??

This makes me so sad for Jaycee..

The only thing this shows me is that Garrido as much of us know is a master manipulator, controller, abuser, pedophile, human enslavement rapist, and very aware of what he was doing and methodical about it!!! Controlling to the end!!!! Still trying to control Jaycee while you rot behind bars.

you will get yours PG and NG! whatever that might be!

CNN you suck!

Steve said...

Brenda, I'm not sure I understand what you're so upset about. I caught a little of one channel's (I think it might have been a local channel rather than CNN) airing of some of Jaycee's journal, but I didn't hear enough of it to know how it was obtained or why they said they were disclosing any of its content.

But, for what it's worth, I'm not sure I agree with you that we all know what Jaycee went through. It seems to me that only she knew and that her words in that journal gives us the clearest window on it.

Of course, it's debatable whether we should be able to look through that window. That's why I'd like to know more about the journal and how the media got access to it, as well as how Jaycee and her family feel about what the media is doing with that access.

Anonymous said...

So people, what's the latest on the Garrido situation?

BrendaStar said...

Hello Dr. Webb here you go. New news

(CBS/ AP) Jaycee Dugard, the Northern California woman who was kidnapped as a child and held prisoner for 18 years, kept a diary in which she wrote of longing for freedom and feeling both emotionally trapped and protective of the man charged with raping her, court documents filed Thursday show.

"It feels like I'm sinking. ... this is supposed to be my life to do with what I like ... but once again he has taken it away," Dugard wrote in an entry dated July 5, 2004, almost five years before she surfaced last summer with the two daughters fathered by her alleged captor Phillip Garrido.

"How many times is he allowed to take it away from me?" she wrote. "I am afraid he doesn't see how the things he says makes me a prisoner."

El Dorado County prosecutors quoted three portions of Dugard's diary in the court papers seeking a protective order barring Garrido and his wife Nancy from trying to contact Dugard or her children, now 12 and 15.

The motion came in response to papers filed last week by the Garridos' defense lawyers trying to force prosecutors to tell them where Dugard is living and if she has a lawyer. A hearing is set for Feb. 26.

District Attorney Vern Pierson said Dugard's writings show that Phillip Garrido controlled her in the past and was trying to exert continued psychological pressure on her from jail.

Dugard, now 29, has "emphatically stated to our office that she does not want any contact with the defendants or their attorneys," Pierson said in the documents. "The people ask this court to protect Ms. Doe and to, once and for all, put an end to the defendant's manipulation."

The papers referred to Dugard as "Jane Doe" because she was 11 when she was kidnapped and sexually assaulted.

The documents also reveal new details about Dugard's captivity, saying she was kept in a building in a hidden compound inside the backyard of the Garridos' Antioch home for the first 18 months after her abduction then prohibited from leaving the yard for the first four years.

In another diary entry, dated more than two years after Dugard was snatched from the street outside her South Lake Tahoe home, Dugard wrote, "I got (a cat) for my birthday from Phil and Nancy ... they did something for me that no one else would do for me, they paid 200 dollars just so I could have my own kitten."

A decade later, however, Dugard wrote of the complex emotions surrounding her situation and Phillip Garrido.

"I don't want to hurt him ... sometimes I think my very presence hurts him," she wrote. "So how can I ever tell him how I want to be free. Free to come and go as I please ... Free to say I have a family. I will never cause him pain if it's in my power to prevent it. FREE."

Brian Russell, a psychologist and attorney, said on "The Early Show" psychologists will be studying Dugard's journals for years to come.

BrendaStar said...

Dr. Webb, continued:

He said, "These journals are a fascinating glimpse into the mind of someone in the midst of a horrific ordeal over a period of years."

Russell said her journals indicate that Dugard experienced a condition called learned helplessness while in captivity -- not Stockholm syndrome, as many people believed when she was discovered.

He said, "In learned helplessness, the victim doesn't ever really develop an affinity for the kidnapper, as happens in Stockholm syndrome. But what just happens is the victim sort of gives up hope of ever getting out of the situation, and so begins, psychologically, to start to try to make the best of it."

As for the journal entry about giving her a kitten, Russell said it says more about Garrido's state of mind than Dugard's. Garrido, Russell said, took advantage of Dugard's 13-year-old feelings, giving her a kitten that would give her comfort, just to confuse her as he raped her on a regular basis.

In the court filing, Pierson said Dugard and the two daughters she had by Garrido when she was 14 and 17 had been instructed by the Garridos to run to the hidden backyard if anyone ever came to the door.

He also described a plan that Phillip Garrido allegedly hatched to stay in contact with Dugard if he was ever arrested. Dugard told prosecutors Garrido instructed her to request an attorney who could communicate directly with his "without law enforcement knowledge," the papers state.

Since Garrido's arrest, he has tried repeatedly to put the plan into action, Pierson said.

On the day he was arrested and Dugard's identity was revealed, Garrido advised her to get a lawyer. The next month, Garrido sent a letter to a Sacramento television station stating he wanted to reach Dugard "by attorney mail only."

n January, Garrido's lawyer wrote Dugard saying, "Mr. Garrido has asked me to convey that he does not harbor any ill will toward (Ms. Doe) or the children and loves them very much."

Dugard interpreted the "ill will" remark to mean she was not following the plan and that the letter was another way of manipulating her, the papers state.

Phillip Garrido's lawyer, Deputy Public Defender Susan Gellman, wrote in an e-mail that contacting a witness to determine what happened is part of her job as a defense attorney, and the information she has been seeking is a matter of routine in criminal cases.

"For the district attorney to hint that it is somehow improper or nefarious is disingenuous to say the least," Gellman wrote. "I am not the 'tool' of any man, as he has been intimated in today's filing."

Nancy Garrido's court-appointed defense lawyer Stephen Tapson did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment.

The Garridos have pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The couple also are requesting permission to visit each other in jail, where they are being held on $30 million and $20 million bail, respectively.

Pierson opposed that request, too, blasting efforts by defense lawyers to portray the pair as the parental figures who deserve jailhouse visits so they can discuss the welfare of their "family."

"The defense utterly fails to recognize that Jane Doe and her children were not their 'family,' but were in fact captives - they were victims," Pierson wrote. "The unfortunate reality is that Ms. Doe and her children may not have fully realized they were captives and victims because the defendants controlled their reality."

BrendaStar said...

what made me mad about CNN is that they made no reference to PG and NG it was only sensationalizing off of Jaycee, and it was frankly CRAP REPORTING!

BrendaStar said...

El Dorado County prosecutors quoted three portions of Dugard's diary in the court papers seeking a protective order barring Garrido and his wife Nancy from trying to contact Dugard or her children, now 12 and 15.

The motion came in response to papers filed last week by the Garridos' defense lawyers trying to force prosecutors to tell them where Dugard is living and if she has a lawyer. A hearing is set for Feb. 26.



Steve said...

You don't think sick people make sick calculations?

BrendaStar said...

It fathoms me that you can not see the difference between a sincerely sick individual to a calculating sexual sedatest pedophile predator! I think you should look up those terms and read about them.

Steve said...

Brenda, I think you should look up those terms yourself and ask yourself how anyone but a mentally sick and/or psychologically defective human being could behave in those ways. Why do you think that a "sincerely sick" person can't be calculating, especially with a lawyer's help?

BrendaStar said...

although that might be your opinion, it is not shared by me.

I will not defend the actions of this person and what he has done and the pain they both have caused a lot of people.

that to me is sick.

Steve said...

I'm not "defending" his actions. That is, I'm not saying that what he did is OK and that he should be set free to do it again. But I AM offering a sensible explanation of why people do sick things. They do them because they're sick. Gee, what a concept!

BrendaStar said...

Quite comparing Phillip Garrido to your average "sick" person!

He shows that he is aware of what hes doing by the actions that he takes. You defending his "sickness" is preposterous when he is so aware of his behavior and how to manipulate situations and other people. I am amazed that you can not see this.

Steve said...

Brenda, I'm just as "amazed" that you continue to think that sickness can't make people deceive and manipulate others to get what they sickly desire.

Steve said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BrendaStar said...

Oh i see that but to just dismiss it as oh hes sick is to me a cop out sorry.

BrendaStar said...

Oh i see that but to just dismiss it as oh hes sick is to me a cop out sorry.

BrendaStar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steve said...

To me, the REAL "cop out" is to "see" that someone IS "sick," but then go ahead and defend hating him for what his sickness made him do and criticize those who urge that we take his sickness into account.

As for "dismissing" what he did, that's an outrageous accusation. To say that he should spend the rest of his life incarcerated if not be executed is NO "dismissal" of his crimes.

What I find curious, Brenda, is that you and I probably don't fundamentally disagree on what should happen to PG, and yet we've gone back and forth like this endlessly. And it just doesn't make sense. All I'm saying is that we should understand that PG is an incurably sick man who did sick things and should not be hated or tortured, in this life or the next, for it. Lock him up and thorw away the key, or put him to death. But don't hate or torture sick people for being sick.

Unknown said...

I honestly cannot think of a punishment fit for the likes of you.

YOU stole this girl. YOU raped her. YOU impregnated her and and kept her from medical care. YOU killed the women the poor girl would have been. YOU produced two children who will probably have issues no amount of counselling will fix.

Steve said...

Cait, es, PG did terrible harm to Jaycee and the rest of her family. But it seems overwhelmingly evident that he did them because he was profoundly mentally sick and/or psychologically defective. And if this reasonable presumption is correct, why and to what extent should he be punished for the criminal symptoms of his sickness and/or defect?

13iber said...

I hope you burn in hell.

Steve said...

WHY do you hope he burns in hell?

BrendaStar said...


Unknown said...

You did some fine work there son. Real fine.

Anonymous said...

Or terrified, I'm not quite sure yet.
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Unknown said...

have fun rotting in hell you sick mother fucker. i hope you get raped by an infinite amount of tyrannosaurus rexes

Steve said...

Jacob, why would you want to see Garrido endlessly raped by an infinite number of T-Rex's in hell?

BrendaStar said...

Because PG's actions invoke rage into others. Maybe he said it out of anger..

Steve said...

Should we vent our rage with such hateful comments? Or are we as individuals and a society better off finding healthier and more constructive ways of handling our rage and the events that elicit it?

BrendaStar said...

I think we all vent our anger in different ways and that this incident invokes rage into others. Not surprising. It is a heinous act what they both have done.

Steve said...

It WAS a "heinous act." But "venting rage" in the manner we've seen all-too-often here, is, in my considered opinion, unhealthy and unproductive. And were it possible to inflict the torments on PG and NG that many here have urged during their "ventings," it would also be profoundly sadistic, unjust, and unfair.

Our greatest saints and sages wouldn't respond in this way to the sick acts of PG and NG, and neither should we. We should stop acting like the savage animals of our lower nature and start acting more like the angels of our higher nature. This is the pathway to our salvation as individuals and as a species.

BrendaStar said...

well written Nag. :)

Steve said...

Thank you, Brenda.

BrendaStar said...

your welcome Nag. :)

Scatcatdad said...

Hey Tommy, how many skeletons or raped kids have you in your closet? You sound as sick as that fucking ass wipe Garrido! And as far as you go Garrido, it is a shame they have protective custody for assholes like you. You should be thrown in gen pop and left to the wolves to be tortured for your entire sentence, or until you die YOU SICK CHILD MOLESTING MOTHERFUCKER!!!!

Steve said...

For the umpteenth time, why should a sick person be tortured for being sick?

Hell is hot! said...

burn mutherfu.ka burn

Lina Liu said...

Let the justice prevail, if both of you being found guilty must get maximum punishment, hopefully death penalty so they will never get a chance being release. Even they have some mental issue. but many people have mental issue, the main issue is, if people do horrible thing to the society must get maximum punishment. May God throw them to hell. May God bless our Justice Dept, May God bless and protect all the jury in this case.

Steve said...

John, the Garridos did terrible things, but not, in my opinion, terrible enough to suffer everlasting torture in hell.

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Nedrocks said...

I think followers like tommy are sick and im from canada and lets just say tommy would be gone ...because we dont like kiddie diddlers you see this tommy i hope you do you sick sick man burn in hell jaycee lost 18years of her life and now needs to rebuild and her mom loved her and im sure the reason you think kiddie diddling is ok but um just cause it happend to you doesnt make it right GET SOME HELP OR FUKIN SHOOT YOURSELF ...YOU ARENT WANTS ..

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