Friday, August 14, 2009

Something Brand New Has Taken Place!

During the month of July 2009 JM's Enterprises, 1215 Willow Pass Road * Pittsburg CA,(925) 439-8118 was the host to a powerful demonstration, the Creator has given me the ability to speak in the tongue of angels in order to provide a wake-up call that will in time include the salvation of the entire world.

You too can witness what the world believe's is impossible to produce! email: DON'T MISS OUT!


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Anonymous said...

Sorry, I missed this:

Coonhound said...

Christ knew in advance that one would betray...Judas iscariot

And one would deny...peter.

Coonhound said...

Yes, I know judas betrayed, but also he knew one would deny him 3 times before the morning hour.


Coonhound said...

Matt26:69 to 75

Peter denies jesus

Coonhound said...

(Smile) its ok. I'll remeber it even better now. Lol

Anonymous said...

Yes. Peter denied him 3 times. My understanding is that He knew it would happen, He knew it had to happen, He also knew Peter's heart. If Peter would have said he was his disciple, he would have been alongside Jesus at the cross. He needed Peter to remain here with us. Peter denied that he knew Jesus 3 times in order to stay alive.

Coonhound said...


Rock of offense is mentioned in two places:

Roman 9:33


Anonymous said...

Do you think Peter was the rock then, a pet name for Peter as a child in Christ to stay strong the beginning he gave Simom/Cephus/Peter that fatherly praise. In other words, do you think my understanding of this is correct. Jesus was not calling Peter Satan, but scolding him?

Coonhound said...

I think its two-fold,

Christ rebuking Peter


Also to set an example of how we should handle doubt.

Anonymous said...

1 Peter 2:8 (New International Version)

"A stone that causes men to stumble
and a rock that makes them fall."[a] They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for.

You know what Coonhound. What Athiest in his right mind could possibly think this could have been made up?

Coonhound said...

You know that is very significant, the point you brought up about christ and peter...

And here is why (imo)

The only thing the devil HAS on us once we are saved IS DOUBT,

Anonymous said...

Noone will prevail against Peter

17And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

18And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Coonhound said...

Amen to ur last post

Anonymous said...

Peter rebuked Jesus... (maybe - take it back, you are not going to die, you cannot leave us.

22Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.

23But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

24Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

25For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

Coonhound said...

The Devil uses doubt as a stumbling block.

That IS the ONLY weapon he has againt the saved.

Coonhound said...

You HEAR satan!

We know your devices!

Anonymous said...

In this:

18And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Was Jesus saying, You are the rock I will build my church?

Now we have to remember that church is not a building, but the word of God - discussion.

Coonhound said...

You HEAR satan!

We know your devices!

Coonhound said...

I'm leaning towards christ is the rock.


I agree, church is not a building.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, I am wrong and in saying:

23But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

Maybe Jesus saw Satan trying to enter Peter, preventing him from wanting to allow what had to happen, happen. But one thing I do know, he was here teaching them, loving them, scolding them (?).

Anonymous said...

Yes. Christ is the Rock. You get no argument from me.

Coonhound said...

I was under the impression that church is ALL the saved.

But certainly not a building or one denomination.

Coonhound said...

10:29 post

I would agree. Plus, it had to be. The disciples were "men" and they couldn't be perfect as was christ.

Anonymous said...

I don't know that there are two different ways to reference it. I never heard that, but that doesn't mean anything.

We are asked to have church, I do not think that part means all those saved. I think in means study, eat the bread.

Coonhound said...


"As was christ in the flesh (perfect in God's eyes)"

Anonymous said...

Jesus was and is our Rock. My belief is that he taught Peter to be the rock. Who would be here after he was gone. He needed his word to remain, he needed church for us.

Anonymous said...

a one liner is dangerous to me, but from memory, I will say, Christ is perfect in flesh, here on earth, as God is in Heaven.

Coonhound said...

Honestly, I never studied that on my own. Only heard preaching.

But I certainly know enough that it is not a building or one group of people.

I'll have to spend some time on that.

Coonhound said...

10:36 makes sense to me

10:38 amen

Anonymous said...

None of this makes sense, one scripture line at a time. It was written as it happened. Most every sentence relies on the others.

Coonhound said...

10:40 most certainly does.

And once NT is understood well things REALLY get exciting when you see how significant OT is to the Truth of NT.

Coonhound said...

Did you Roman ch9 about the rock of offense.

That can be cross referenced to OT scripture.

Anonymous said...

Coonhound, what does this mean to you after Jesus told Satan to get away from Peter

24Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Anonymous said...

I think I was working on Peter and got sidetracked on that. I know Peter better than Romans so I was looking there first.

Anonymous said...

1 Peter 2:8 (New International Version)

"A stone that causes men to stumble
and a rock that makes them fall."[a] They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for.

Coonhound said...


Typically I understand it to mean place "self" or the natural instincts of the flesh aside.

Be christ-centered.

Serve the Lord, not your OWN desires.

Anonymous said...

I understand it to mean?

what is "it"

sorry, you lost me on that one.

Coonhound said...

Concerning 10:49 post.

Anonymous said...

oh, you mean Christ like?

Anonymous said...


24Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

I thought he was saying, when they take me, do not follow or you deny yourself the right to live, because if you do, you may as well pick up a cross and follow me and die..... and then where did all my teaching go?

But I do have to study this more

Coonhound said...

Also on that question you asked me at 10:49...

I believe that its open to the "degree" or extent that each person may feel called.

But at the minimum it means be humble and don't be "self" focused,rather be christ-focused and on His word.

What you say?

Anonymous said...

They were so sad to hear of his demise.

You have to remember that stood up and surrounded him to protect him in the past, and Jesus let them. It was not yet his time. So, how does he get them to not stand this next time? That is where I got my understanding of this passage.

Anonymous said...

Yes, in a way, we can take this to be a message to ourselves, but this was the story of how Jesus taught his disciples, and came to the resurrection. It was not so much instruction to us, his sheep, it was explanation of how it happened and why.

Coonhound said...


Often the meanings are two-fold and sometimes three-fold.

You brought something new to my attention on that.

Plus, often Christ does speak to disciples like in that situation AND he can still apply to us today.

Coonhound said...


Steve said...

"I'm afraid God has layed an even worse spirit on you bc of your grotesque denial"

I don't think the comments I've made about your idea of God are "grotesque" at all, Coonhound. I think your idea of God is what's grotesque because it's an idea of a supremely "loving" God who tortures people in hell forever and ever.

Furthermore, I think it' grotesque that you could embrace such a God and call him good. It's far, far worse, to my way of thinking, than a German during WWII worshiping Hitler, or a Russian during the days of Stalin worshiping Stalin. Those guys don't compare with the evil of a God who burns people forever in his torture chamber just because they didn't obey him, often because they didn't even know he exists.

Now I'm not sure one has to believe in hell to be Christian. If one doesn't, I still have countless other reasons to question Christian teachings enough not to be Christian. But I must admit that the idea of hell is my foremost objection to Christianity. And, try as I might, I just don't understand how it isn't a deal breaker with anyone considering entering the fold.

I'm sorry that you find it so offensive for me to say these things, Coonhound. So offensive and evil that you will join hands with anyone who backs your play against my alleged evil no matter how badly they conduct themselves here. But that's your choice. Just as it's your choice to call me one of Satan's henchman and stage cyber-exorcisms of the evil spirit you allege possesses me.

Yes, you have the right to carry on as you wish, Coonhound. May you and your Christian friends quote scripture and say Hallelujah to one another till the cows come home.

Anonymous said...

give it up Nag. Those who speak on their own authority are trying to gain glory for themselves, but he who wants glory for the one that sent him is honest, and there is nothing false in him.

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

You are a psychopath

Anonymous said...

give it up Nag. Those who speak on their own authority are trying to gain glory for themselves, but he who wants glory for the one that sent him is honest, and there is nothing false in him.

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

You are a psychopath

Coonhound said...

Well, one thing is for sure, that passage has been used to take advantage of many christians.

Anonymous said...

Yes Coonhound. Exactly.

I always read the entire chapter together, okay, who is talking, who is he talking to, is he relaying a message he was told/taught for him, as what, or was he giving a message he was given to us. It depends who was talking to who. Obviously, those disciples are not on earth, someone has to be, so yes, some of it is for us to learn and carry on.

Coonhound said...

Oh jeffsees,

its crept out of its hole again.


Steve said...

"There is something seriously evil in a person that can precariously defend ANY person that forces someone into sexual slavery and with the same tongue despises God."

Not all all. I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

On the other hand, I explained that I despise not God but what I consider to be an idea of God that includes him torturing people forever and ever in the worst possible ways. As I explained, from my perspective, which is not evil at all, it is those who believe that God is capable of such atrocity that embrace the real evil and commit true blasphemy.

This is a far more rational and sensible viewpoint than the one you find so offensive.

Coonhound said...


Open your eyes.

Hear the WORD!

You most certainly WILL NOT go to hell for being disobedient!

JeffSees and I have not ministered that to you.

Steve said...

"No, he is not Evil. But he does have to divide the good from the evil."

Why must the so-called "evil" burn in hell instead of simply ceasing to exist? I asked that previously, and no one answered.

Anonymous said...

You are a sick man Nagarjuna. A very sick man. Twisted with control and hate for those you cannot control. You are a sick sick perversion of a man. Very weak in spirit and life!

give it up Nag. Those who speak on their own authority are trying to gain glory for themselves, but he who wants glory for the one that sent him is honest, and there is nothing false in him.

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

You are a psychopath

Coonhound said...


In case I fall asleep during this next "tantrum" of nagarjuna...I wanted to tell you that I've enjoyed church with you this evening.

Its been a blessing and I'm very thankful.

Anonymous said...

"its" is right. I'll deal with the pig in the a.m. It ain't worth my time this time of night when everyone is sleeping.

give it up Nag. Those who speak on their own authority are trying to gain glory for themselves, but he who wants glory for the one that sent him is honest, and there is nothing false in him.

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

You are a psychopath

Anonymous said...

I very much enjoyed having church with you also Coonhound. Let him show his wicked ways. Let the WORLD SEE IT!!!! it is a public blog.

Goodnight Coonhound.

Coonhound said...

Well nag, I guess you're gonna have to do it the old-fashion way,

Pray to God and ASK Him for understanding!

But you do need Jesus first! He's the only way and only entrance.

Coonhound said...

Are you out of here jeff?

Steve said...

Coonhound, yesterday you said that no one you know had ever criticized your Christian faith the way I have here. I don't doubt this. I don't take this subject lightly. I've given it a lot of thought, and I think my questions and criticisms are worth considering. I also think that this is not a church or private establishment where I should be expected to show deference to anyone's religion, but a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity. I have not attacked you personally for your beliefs. I haven't called you stupid or crazy or gullible or anything of the kind, unlike your calling me evil in various ways, but I HAVE strongly questioned and criticized Christian teachings. Chiefly and most strongly, I've criticized the idea that the supremely loving, just, and merciful nature that the Christian God is alleged to have is compatible with hell. I have said that I find the idea of hell to be obscene; therefore, I find the idea of a supremely loving, just, and merciful God creating hell and then consigning souls to it obscene.

I know this is something that you haven't been able to wrap your mind around. You think that only someone under Satan's evil influence could make such an argument. But I ask you to keep something in mind.

You and I come at this discussion from two radically different perspectives. From your believer's perspective, it is a given that God exists, that scripture reveals his nature, and that this nature is one of supreme goodness unadulterated by evil; therefore, everything God does is necessarily good, whether we fully understand how it is or not.

But from my perspective, as a non-believer because i have yet to be convinced of God's existence, of scriptural truth, and of God's supreme, unadulterated goodness, I have to look at what God has allegedly done and discern whether his reported actions substantiate his alleged perfect goodness.

And one of the things I see when I do this is a God who created a horrible, horrible place where the souls of people who didn't love and obey him in this life are forced in the next to spend all eternity suffering unimaginably terrible torment. I look at this idea, and I just can't wrap my mind around the notion that this could EVER be justified. I just can't understand how a truly loving God could do such a seemingly hateful thing, how a truly just God could inflict a punishment that seems infinitely worse than anyone's sin could possibly be, and how a truly merciful God could do something that seems utterly and completely devoid of mercy.

Steve said...

(Part 2)

And because I don't come at this from the perspective of a believer, I can't simply tell myself, "Even though this makes no sense to me, I must accept it because I know that God is good." As a non-believer looking to determine whether I have grounds to believe in God and his goodness, I must examine the claims made about his nature and conduct and come to the best conclusions I can about whether they are consistent with one another or inconsistent.

And when I look at the claims of God's supreme goodness and then I look at the teaching concerning hell, I see a terrible, terrible inconsistency. And so I tentatively conclude one of two things: Either God is supremely loving, just, and merciful, and hell doesn't exist, or God is not supremely loving, just and merciful, and hell does or at least could exist. But, wait, I need to take this further.

From my non-believer's perspective, there cannot possibly be anything more obscenely evil than forcing someone to suffer unimaginably horrendous agony forever and ever. There is simply nothing they could ever do during this ephemeral lifetime here on earth to justify this consequence. Therefore, any being who would subject anyone to this must also be obscenely evil, just as, in your mind, any human being who could do what Phillip Garrido has done must be obscenely evil. By Phillip Garrido's "fruits" YOU shall know him, and by God's fruits *I* shall know HIM. And hell seems to this non-believer to be the most despicably vile fruit of which I can conceive.

Could I be mistaken in this? Of course. But I do the best I know how to know truth and to distinguish it from falsehood. There are many false religious and other kinds of beliefs in this world. We all must use the tools God or nature gave us to evaluate them rather than either reject them out of hand or embrace them without question. That is what I'm doing here. No more, no less.

Steve said...

October 29

Nothing is more beautiful than the love that has weathered the storms of life. . . . The love of the young for the young, that is the beginning of life. But the love of the old for the old, that is the beginning of – of things longer.
– Jerome K. Jerome

"Every morning, just after you step on the bathroom scale to make sure you haven’t put on an extra ounce when you weren’t looking, you can step on the scale of love and make sure your ego hasn’t put on any weight. The critical measure is your capacity to be equable and kind in everyday relationships.

We all tend to feel impatient when something we want is waiting round the corner; and we all occasionally get angry when that something slips away. The positive approach is to be aware enough of this cycle to say sincerely, “Tomorrow I am going to be a little more patient than I was today. The day after, I am going to be a little more self-controlled.” Working on equability every day yields results.

Where intimate relationships are concerned, your love should grow. Don’t ever be satisfied with telling your partner, “I love you every bit as much as that first time I saw you at the supermarket!” Love should never be static; it must never become stagnant. Fifty years later you should be able to say, “I love you fifty times more than I did that first day.” That is true love speaking."
--Eknath Easwaran

Anonymous said...

Coonhound, I just added another, have you read this crap tonight. Worship Hitler, Stalin???? seems to me those were GOVERNMENT POWERS, not God, but he compares it to Christian worship. How do you feel about starting and adding these things to a list, mine is getting awfully long and it still doesn't show all the wicked words.

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!

Anonymous said...

See you tomorrow Coonhound, tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day for the cry baby Nag. I have not pity on him anymore.

Coonhound said...


I'll be real busy this weekend getting ready for out of town company. I'll peek in once or twice, but I'll have to stay a way for the most part:(

Have a great day. And I will touch base.

Coonhound said...


Keep "you know who" and his "temptress" straight with their antics and lies.

Coonhound said...


The question you asked me regarding the re-posting of ones words...its very frustrating for me bc when I try to cut and paste... my cursor most often gets stuck at the top of the page. That's why you rarely see me do it. I guess its a mobile thing.


Ok, so you understand that Peter(the stone), the keys(guessing is understanding), and the Rock(christ) represents God's written Word for us in terms of one or more people together having church or discussing the Word?

Did I get right? (I know I said it in a nutshell, excuse that)

I'm very interested in that scripture for more understanding.

I've spent time on the "stumbling block" or "rock of offense" in the past. But never Rock from the perspective you presented last night.

That's definitely some scripture that has many "interpretations" or understandings. And I see a lot of loose strings to still be pulled together.

Don't get me wrong, I have no intentions of "shying" from it bc of this.

I'm excited you brought it up.

Will you consider a discussion group outside of this blog for "deeper"understanding of scripture?

I'm open to suggestions. Would like it to be "closed" or by invitation only, and do not care for yahoo.

Consider it if you would.

Coonhound said...



I'm totally on to your "twisting" from many perspectives and levels.

I even see where you twist what you call "sound and logical philosophical thought" to suite your purposes and incomplete assumptions. (Amen to that Bucko!)

Its very unsavory to see this.

Also, just as you slammed brendastar for neglecting to do sound objective research in accordance with her Conspiracy Theories,

You have neglected to do sound, objective and complete study of philisophy prior to presenting your beliefs and applications of "some" understanding, actually very limited understanding. That is very irresponsible and sloppy considering some of your "positions".

Shame, shame, shame.

Because YOU know better!

You are puffed-up in your own pretenses and it results in guile that is destructive to your ownself, or your own-being.

Trust me when I say you have not insulted me by your condemnation and contempt towards God or the concept of hell.

Rather, it was a complete turn off to experience your "antics" and "guile" to say it in a nut shell.

You haven't insulted me or angered me with your "opinions" and "beliefs" regarding God and the Bible.

What you did was put me at a cross-roads, you challenged me with that whether you realize it or not. And I chose the "path" that is befitting for me and my servitude.

Whether you realize it or not I have happily had a generous heart towards you: understanding and compassion.

But I have boundaries. And I often take a firm stand by them, that you should have known already bc many times your reaped the benefits.

Have fun with your "philosphy" and "atheism" bc it will not serve you well in any after-life. I can promise you that!

Steve said...

If the things I'm saying about your God are so ridiculous, how do you think it helps your cause to repeat them in your "list"? For example, if I say worshiping God is infinitely worse than worshiping Hitler, and then you put that in your list to discredit me, how does it discredit me? :-) Go, ahead and put it in your list. Put everything I say about your God in your list. The more times they get repeated, the more exposure visitors to this blog will get to them. You're doing me a favor. Keep up the good work, my friend. Keep up the good work. :-)

Steve said...

"Keep "you know who" and his "temptress" straight with their antics and lies."

What "lies" are anyone telling here except Jeff's lies about my hacking? No one has explained how my comments about Christianity are lies. All they've done is try to shout them down with lies, misrepresentations, and campy cyber-exorcisms. :-) What lies am I telling? What lies is Lucy telling?

Coonhound said...

I have no "list" you fool.

Steve said...

"I'm totally on to your "twisting" from many perspectives and levels." (Coonhound)

I see. Then perhaps you'd like to tell me what I've "twisted." Jeff has done a lot of "twisting" concerning me and lying too. But I've twisted nothing so far as I can see. If you see it, will you give me some examples so that we can consider them together? Why do you make accusations and never back them up with examples when I ask you for them. Intelligent people can see through your shenanigans. :-)

Steve said...

"I have no "list" you fool."

Where did I say that you did, "you fool"? :-)

Coonhound said...

Be Gone With You Satan!

Steve said...

"I even see where you twist what you call "sound and logical philosophical thought" to suite your purposes and incomplete assumptions. (Amen to that Bucko!)"

Where have I done this? Examples please? How am I twisting anything when I say that worshiping an infinitely sadistic Christian God is the true blasphemy of a supremely good God? Please explain.

Coonhound said...

Your ways are that of an endless pit that will SUCK one straight into the DEPTHS of HELL!

And you cause chaos to conceal the blackhole you serve!

Steve said...

"Be Gone With You Satan!"

Be gone with YOU, "you fool"! :-)

Coonhound said...

Your VEIL has been lifted, nagarjuna!

Steve said...

Coonhound, I used to respect you. I used to think you were decent and intelligent and capable of having a deep and civil discussion. But I was apparently wrong. So. I guess it's time to treat you like the fanatical "fool" you're acting like. if you want to put away the childish things of your foolishness and talk with me as an adult, knock and the door shall be opened to you.

Steve said...

"Your VEIL has been lifted, nagarjuna!"

No, Coonhound, YOUR veil has been lifted. You've been exposed as a kook.

Steve said...

"Your ways are that of an endless pit that will SUCK one straight into the DEPTHS of HELL!"

WHOM will they "suck"? YOU? Is that what you're afraid of? Jeff? Is that what HE's afraid of? If the things I'm saying about your God and your faith are so patently ridiculous, how would anyone be sucked in by them? But, on the other hand, if they make sense, then look out! :-)

Steve said...

"Its very unsavory to see this."

Yes, it IS "unsavory," to say the least, to see your continuing support of Jeff's lies and misrepresentations, Coonhound.

Steve said...

"Also, just as you slammed brendastar for neglecting to do sound objective research in accordance with her Conspiracy Theories, "

How hypocritical of you, Coonhound! You "slammed" her for essentially the same thing and went further than me. You accused her of supporting anti-semitism, "you fool!" :-)

Coonhound said...


Perfect example of "determination of SELF".

Wrong I God's eyes, but a great example.

(You with me JeffSees?)

Steve said...

Coonhound, I saw this post the first time. You don't have to repeat it. I repeat mine to you sometimes because you don't answer them. But I'm going to answer all your points. You see, I know I can refute them. You don't answer my points, because you can't refute them. All you can do is babble nosense. :-)

Bye the way, I've already addressed several points of your post.

Steve said...

"You have neglected to do sound, objective and complete study of philisophy prior to presenting your beliefs and applications of "some" understanding, actually very limited understanding. That is very irresponsible and sloppy considering some of your "positions"."

I never said I was expressing anyone else's "philosophy." What do I need to research? I presented my questions and observations and asked for your feedback. What I got was the cyber equivalent of speaking in tongues accompanied by Jeff's repetitious lies and distortions.

Steve said...

"You are puffed-up in your own pretenses and it results in guile that is destructive to your ownself, or your own-being."

What "pretenses"? From what I can see, YOU are the one with the "pretenses," Coonhound.

Steve said...

"Trust me when I say you have not insulted me by your condemnation and contempt towards God or the concept of hell."

Then what's the problem? Why do you care what I post here?

Steve said...

"Rather, it was a complete turn off to experience your "antics" and "guile" "

What "antics" and "guile"?

Steve said...

Now see, Coonhound, I'm replying to each of your points. But instead of engaging me in discussion of my replies, you simply repost your whole comment with no acknowledgment of my replies. That's a true sign of your desperation. Any perceptive person can see that, Coonhound.

Coonhound said...

You are rudely mistaken regarding B*.

I did not taunt, humiliate and degrade her.

I took a stand.

YOUR antics nagarjuna SERVED to bring the worst out of us all in that situation!

BrendaStar said...

Then what's the problem? Why do you care what I post here? (Nag)

you are such a hypocrite you care what EVERYONE post here. More so then anyone!

you have constantly talked down to me and tried to make me feel inferior to you. 11,000.00 comments later and you still dont get how you provoke this type of conversation.

God bless your wife.

Steve said...

"What you did was put me at a cross-roads, you challenged me with that whether you realize it or not. And I chose the "path" that is befitting for me and my servitude."

Challenged you how? Tell me. How did I challenge you? I challenged you to understand my perspective and to discuss it with me in a probing way. And you started acting like a nutjob.

Steve said...

"God bless your wife."

God bless anyone who has to spend five minutes with you listening to your inane babbling about anti-semitic conspiracy theories and other nonsense, Brenda.

BrendaStar said...

Coonhound and I have laid that to rest we understand there were high emotions as well that the animosity was being provoked by others during that time to as well.

Funny whenever there has been a major blow up in here you have been the ring leader. (Nag)

Steve said...

"Whether you realize it or not I have happily had a generous heart towards you: understanding and compassion."

Baloney. What "compassion" and "understanding" have you shown me the past couple of days? And I've been understanding and compassionate toward you too, Coonhound, lest you forget.

BrendaStar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BrendaStar said...

God bless anyone who has to spend five minutes with you listening to your inane babbling about anti-semitic conspiracy theories and other nonsense, Brenda.

oh now you call me the same thing..

hypocrite in the flesh!

you know nothing but what your told! you regurgitate knowledge of others but not your own. you are a walking talking phony!

BrendaStar said...

Now you accuse her of ass kissing just like you did to me... you have issues.

BrendaStar said...

Coonhound has never kissed anyones ass... the only people you like Nag are the ones that jump on your little band wagon you are in fact a bully!!!

Steve said...

Brenda, from what I can see, you are a walking, talking person without a brain. Just a body with a mouth that babbles one inanity after another.

BrendaStar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BrendaStar said...

oh I have a brain your the one that consumes everything your told and you do not even think for yourself how sad!

Steve said...

"Coonhound has never kissed anyones ass.."

Oh, I'll bet she'd kiss yours in a heartbeat, as long as you stood back to back with her against Nag Vader. :-)

BrendaStar said...

it makes me sad how ungrateful you are for the things that people have DONE for you... you are a MARTYR plain and simple you play the victim role well. you use it for manipulation.. sad.

Steve said...

"Have fun with your "philosphy" and "atheism" bc it will not serve you well in any after-life. I can promise you that!"

An, being the good Christian that you are, you relish that thought, don't you, Coonhound? You relish the idea of my burning forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever in hellfire and wailing and gnashing my teeth and much, much more for the terrible, terrible things I've said here. Yes, I deserve ever second of eternal torture for that, don't I, Coonhound? God is good. Glory be to God who gives Nag Vader the everlasting torture he so richly deserves! Hallelujah!

Steve said...

"it makes me sad how ungrateful you are for the things that people have DONE for you... you are a MARTYR plain and simple you play the victim role well. you use it for manipulation.. sad."

You play the idiot role far, far better, Brenda. Only I'm afraid you may not be playing.

Anonymous said...

Coonhound Not exactly is the answer to this question of yours last night: "Ok, so you understand that Peter(the stone), the keys(guessing is understanding), and the Rock(christ) represents God's written Word for us in terms of one or more people together having church or discussing the Word?

Did I get right? (I know I said it in a nutshell, excuse that)"
I believe that John is the story, scribed for us, the people of the future to them then. The story was a message to us of how it came to be and why. Food for us to learn and be saved.

I believe (without stating scripture to this right here at this time) that Jesus was and is the rock as you wrote, and I believe because he was perfect in every way, even as a man walking this earth and feeling love and pain, he did not falter. The book of John DOES SHOW THIS, but in this book Jesus was a teacher, a fatherly figure to his disciples while THEY LEARNED WHAT THEY WERE TO SHARE WITH US.

WE CAN learn how to behave as Christians in John...... we FIRST have to understand that it was a story of Jesus' path, and we have to put ALL VERSE TOGETHER to get the story, TO BETTER UNDERSTAND his message in each separate verse.

For instance:

16And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

17And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

When reading #16 alone, without the entire story, you can look at #16 to be Simon/Peter's testament to the world that Jesus was the son of the living God - this is what you get when you read #16 ALL BY ITSELF. But, is that what #16 was meant to be for us? Is that the food he expected us to eat and understand? NOT HERE, THIS IS ELSEWHERE TRUE, BUT SIMON PETER WAS A STUDENT HERE, NOT A TEACHER.

How I understand #17 when I read 1 through 17, is like this ==== "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona," (You have a special reward a blessing): for flesh and blood (life on earth) hath not revealed it unto thee (You did not learn who I am here on earth), but my Father which is in heaven (but your blessing is that you heard from God who I am, You KNOW because this great miracle).

NOW THEN, what does 16 really mean without 1 - 15 also? It was a Rabi/teacher's lesson to Simon/Peter to ask who am I.

I cannot write all this down when the blog is limited, but, if you read 1 through 17, knowing who is writing this book first, and why, when you get to 18 which we discussed last night. What does 18 truly mean. What was the message in 18.... it leads to 19, 20 and on.

So if Jesus is the Rabi, the teacher, and Peter knew he was the Son of Christ through miracle, and not the earthly word or faith alone, why is Christ teaching him and the others. Could it be that he wanted them to learn so they could attest who Jesus was, and teach us. Yes.

My understanding of 18.

18And I say also unto thee (I am telling you as your teacher), That thou art Peter, and upon this rock (and Peter you are solid, strong and worthy) I will build my church (I will teach you and share with you the message of God for you to hold and share with others); and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (and Satan will not get his greedy hands in it to ever take God's word away)

The book of John has message as a whole, but line by line until the end of the book. One verse at a time is good, once there is a true understanding for that verse, and how we can apply it to our Christian faith and life.

BrendaStar said...

You play the idiot role far, far better, Brenda. Only I'm afraid you may not be playing. (nag)

Bully, bully, bully.......

everyone sees what you are.

does it make you feel better to TRY to make me feel small you abusive person??

you are in fact an abusive person and you might benefit from anger management and or counseling!

Steve said...

Coonhound, why do you repeat the same post after I've already replied to most of it? Is that your Christian idea of discussion? :-)

Steve said...

I have a proposition for you, Coonhound. Why don't we take one of your points and discuss it. You pick the point. Let's stop talking AT each other and start talking WITH each other. Deal?

Anonymous said...

Coonhound. This fasting is getting to me, but I am all up for ignoring Nag, posting and revealing him, but not responding to his words, which are only intended to hassle everyone.

Does he have any friends other than his other personalities to carry on with him. I say, let him talk to himself. We can ignore him. Maybe Christ's word will sink in as we share it with each other, for each other.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Brenda.

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!

Steve said...

"Bully, bully, bully......."

Martyr....martyr....martyr who sticks her vacuous head in where it doesn't belong and reaps her just desserts from it than complains about it.

"everyone sees what you are."

They see what you are too, Brenda.

"does it make you feel better to TRY to make me feel small you abusive person??"

No, Brenda, but it won't register on you that I said that, will it?

you are in fact an abusive person and you might benefit from anger management and or counseling!

Coonhound said...

Truth be known, if I "kissed" any booty it was yours Nag bc I felt sorry for you.

I had pitiful sorrow for you!

And that was my first mistake!

And I can discuss scripture that explains why so!


BrendaStar said...

Good morning Jeff and Coonhound sorry I did not write back last night I got caught up with my daughter and home duties.. lol.. :)

Anonymous said...

BrendaStar said...

You play the idiot role far, far better, Brenda. Only I'm afraid you may not be playing. (nag)

Bully, bully, bully.......

everyone sees what you are.

does it make you feel better to TRY to make me feel small you abusive person??

you are in fact an abusive person and you might benefit from anger management and or counseling!

I think it goes far beyond just abusive. I think he knows he needs protection for what he has done.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steve said...

Jeff's back to discredit me with his lies, distortions, and list of some of the truly wise things I've said here. All in all, he serves me well and paints himself the duplicitous fool. :-)

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!

Steve said...

"I think it goes far beyond just abusive. I think he knows he needs protection for what he has done."

What HAVE I done? Another lie forming on your lips?

Anonymous said...

Its Okay Brenda. I understand you are busy. We finally had a few hours peace in here and were actually able to share scripture until the demon showed up to spray his flatulence.

Steve said...

I have a proposition for you, Coonhound. Why don't we take one of your points and discuss it. You pick the point. Let's stop talking AT each other and start talking WITH each other. Deal?

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you still there Brenda?

Steve said...

"Truth be known, if I "kissed" any booty it was yours Nag bc I felt sorry for you.

I had pitiful sorrow for you!"

You don't have "sorrow" for me now, Coonhound? You don't have sorrow for me burning forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever in God's torture chamber?

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!

Steve said...

Tell me, how is it not blasphemy to worship a God who has his very own eternal torture chamber where most people end up wailing and gnashing their teeth forever and ever?

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!

BrendaStar said...

I am here Jeff :)

Steve said...

Isn't THAT God obscenely EVIL? Do you think a REAL God would appreciate being painted in THAT light?

Steve said...

Do you think a REAL God wants to be thought of as an everlasting torturer of most of the human race?

Anonymous said...

I worry to much Brenda. I just hope and pray you know what a vile idiot this Nagarjuna person is, and that you do not let his disgusting personal attacks affect you.

This man is obviously off his rocker.

Anonymous said...

I mean that seriously. Dangerously off his rocker, and I think it is easy to see, and I think everyone should be very wary of him.

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!

Steve said...

"I am here Jeff :)"

Good, Brenda. You and Jeff can discuss your anti-semitic conspiracy theories. :-)

Anonymous said...

I don't believe he is worthy of responding to anymore, but around and without.

Steve said...

Or maybe you'd like to discuss them with Coonhound. Since she now agrees with them, you can have a gay ole time discussing them. :-)

BrendaStar said...

Jeff :)

Do not worry. I am A okay :)

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!


Steve said...

"I don't believe he is worthy of responding to anymore, but around and without."

When have you ever REALLY responded to me, Jeff? When have you EVER tried to have a heart to heart discussion with me without the canned bullsh*t? I've invited you to do this with me many times. I asked you to stop with the lies and distortions and just talk, man to man. When did you EVER try even once to do that?

Anonymous said...

Nice to know Brenda

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!

Steve said...

"your hilarious!"

Why? Do yo think Coonhound is "hilarious" too? She's the one who pointed it out? Do you think she no longer believes what she said? Have you asked her if she doesn't believe it anymore?

BrendaStar said...

Jeff and I have never discussed my political beliefs..

and dont drag Coonhound into your blasphemy.

Steve said...

What "blasphemy, Brenda? How do I blaspheme a real God by saying that he's too good to hideously torture most of the human race forever and ever?

Coonhound said...



Twister of Words!

I never accused B* of hating jews or being anti-semitic.

I took a firm stand that the theories in the "raw" are rooted in anti-semitic beliefs.

You are a thief in the night, nagagrjuna!

A serpant!

Steve said...

Brend, aren't the REAL blasphemers the ones who say God is EVIL enough to do this?

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!

BrendaStar said...

your questions about heaven and hell show your ignorance and non understanding of the entire spiritual quest in the first place.


BrendaStar said...

lesson # 1. God is the gate keeper of Heaven and Satan is the gate keeper of Hell. So why are you blaming God for Satan's domain?

Anonymous said...

Brenda, I do not discuss your political beliefs, because I know not to much about it. But I very much do see your points and mission. I very much do see what you are doing as honorable and well studied.

I will go as far as saying I believe in much of what you have written of in this blog.

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!

Steve said...

"So why are you blaming God for Satan's domain?"

Are you asking me a question that you really want to discuss with me, Brenda? if so, I'll discuss it with you.

Anonymous said...

Coonhound, did you read my first post in here today?

Coonhound said...



Twister of Words!

I never accused B* of hating jews or being anti-semitic.

I took a firm stand that the theories in the "raw" are rooted in anti-semitic beliefs.

You are a thief in the night, nagagrjuna!

A serpant!

Steve said...

"your questions about heaven and hell show your ignorance and non understanding of the entire spiritual quest in the first place."

How so, Brenda? Care to discuss it with me in a civil and thoughtful way?

Coonhound said...

No jeff, sorry. Not yet.

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Steve said...

Coonhound, you must REALLY be getting desperate when you repost a comment I've already refuted point by point. That's what you do when you've got nothing else you can do, isn't it, Coonhound?

Anonymous said...

Ignore this psychopath, write around his words.

Coonhound said...

Amen brenda.

So true.

Most excellent point about his ignorance.

You go girl!

Steve said...

Coonhound, do you no longer believe that Brenda's conspiracy theories have "anti-semitic roots," and that they no longer further the cause of anti-semitism?

Anonymous said...

Coonhound, when you get a chance it is at October 30, 2009 8:03 AM

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Steve said...

"Most excellent point about his ignorance."

How am I "ignorant," Coonhound?

BrendaStar said...

Thank you Jeff.. If you ever want to know anything ask me and ill try to give you the information you would like :)

Nag makes fun of me but I defend his freedom and liberties too hes just too egotistical to see it...
while you stand aside and let our country fall and the world fall to a global government,slavery, and tyranny, and a satanic ruling dictatorship of elite bankers I will be here to fight for our freedoms..

Steve said...

You see, Coonhound, you keep calling me ignorant and evil and mendacious and a snake and so on and so on and so on, but when I ask you to explain why you call me these things, you just repeat the accusations. You don't explain yourself. :-)

Coonhound said...

No longer take a stand about the theories?

You are no idiot!

You are a temptress!

You wollow in your deceit and guile!

Promote confusion and chaos! And glorify yourself by it and in it!

You serpant!

Steve said...

"Nag makes fun of me but I defend his freedom and liberties too hes just too egotistical to see it...
while you stand aside and let our country fall and the world fall to a global government,slavery, and tyranny, and a satanic ruling dictatorship of elite bankers I will be here to fight for our freedoms.."

Thank you, Brenda, for defending my "liberties." So, you can strike that accusation against me off your list. Now you might want to ask Coonhounnd if she believes that we're headed for world government global slavery speaheaded by elite (Jewish?) bankers? :-)

BrendaStar said...

thank you Coonhound :) I had to think how is the most basic way to explain this and that was it... its hard for me see God being blamed prefousely for Satan's actions.. that right there shows a non understanding of it completely.

and contrary to what you might think Nag I really dont mean that rude to you. I mean it seriously. It really does show a non understanding of the entire thing.

Anonymous said...

Brenda, I just wouldn't know what to ask. I think there is so much that is unknown about the crimes our government has done, right under our noses... the few things that you have written about cannot be pieced together in whole.

Because of this, I wouldn't know where to begin with questions.

I do believe we have enemies, I do believe the enemy also had something to do with 9/11, but I also believe the US government knew it was coming, prepared for it, and helped it through to the end completely, secretly but for reasons not so ethical in the least.

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Steve said...

Coonhound, I have responded to your post already. So, why do you keep reposting it without according me the courtesy of discussing my responses with me? Are you really THAT desperate? I invited you to talk with me instead of AT me. But you didn't even acknowledge it. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



BrendaStar said...

Leave the Jewish people out of it they have been through enough.. imagine the horror they endured, you cant!

I never mentioned the Jewish people who for the record I have tons of respect for!!! I have studied the holocaust a lot and that was genocide!!!

I am talking about bankers right now that have been in power for 100 years and other issues quite morphing my opinion into things that I DO NOT believe and am not discussing.

Steve said...

"Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!"

You're scraping the bottom of the septic tank now, Jeff, with you're tongue. I have expressed an opinion, based on my deterministic beliefs that I've explained, that Garrido couldn't help what he did at the time he did it. I don't claim to know that this is true. So, since you want to be fair, I guess you'll now remove that from your list, and since Coonhound wants you to be fair, I guess she'll ask you to if you don't do it on your own. :-)

BrendaStar said...

Jeff they worship Satan. they call Lucifer HOLY! recorded in the flesh..

we know what side we are on :)

Steve said...

"I never mentioned the Jewish people"

Coonhound did. Do you think she no longer believes what she said before about the "roots" and effects of your theories?

Steve said...

Brenda, I thought we were going to talk about hell and heaven and God. What happened? You "hit" me with more false accusations and then ran on to another subject? :-)

BrendaStar said...

Jeff if I give you a link to a movie will you watch it?

this movie was just released three days ago..

Steve said...

"Jeff they worship Satan. they call Lucifer HOLY! recorded in the flesh.." Who are "THEY," Brenda? i don't worship Lucifer? Nor do I worship a God who's said to send most of the human race to an eternal torture chamber. Do YOU worship this God or condone anyone worshiping him, Brenda?

BrendaStar said...

Nag I was talking about the bankers and elite another assumption that it was about YOU!!!

BrendaStar said...

No nag i never run off regardless of what you accuse me of.

I simply explained your NON understanding of God as a whole. That should register somewhere in your brain that maybe you do NOT understand what this is about at all.

Steve said...

That's right, Coonhound. Show your fear and desperation by posting the same comment again after I've already refuted it. Let everyone see what YOU'RE made of when "the rubber hits the road."

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



BrendaStar said...

Coonhound mentioned it a long time ago your dragging it out for mud and dirt to be slung there is a difference.

Steve said...

"I simply explained your NON understanding of God as a whole."

You didn't "explain" it, Brenda. You just accused me of it, and when I asked you to discuss it with me, you ran off. Let's discuss my "NON-understanding," shall we?

Anonymous said...

Brenda. Please post your link to movies and other information you feel relevant.

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Steve said...

"Coonhound mentioned it a long time ago your dragging it out for mud and dirt to be slung there is a difference."

She mentioned it a long time ago and still believes it. Doesn't she? She's just too currently occupied osculating your gluteus maximus to admit it. :-)

Anonymous said...

I have a strong Christian faith. Not even the strongest Christian can come through with clean hands while they deal with Satan who has thousands upon thousands of years manipulating.

It is people like Nag who make me want to puke from the tips of my toes to purge all the evil he places in your hearts. I cannot fast enough!!!!

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Steve said...

Obviously Jeff doesn't care to be fair. And I'm quite sure Coonhound doesn't want him to be either. Same with Brenda. :-)

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how individuals such as Jaycee get brainwashed with evil. Look to Nagarjuna and his words.

Steve said...

"I have a strong Christian faith. Not even the strongest Christian can come through with clean hands while they deal with Satan who has thousands upon thousands of years manipulating."

Are you saying that I threaten your faith, Jeff? Is that what all the insults and incantations about me are about? My ridiculous criticisms of your faith threaten you? Well, why didn't you say so. If you tell me that, maybe I'll shut up. In fact I will shut up after you retract your lies about by criminal wrongdoing.

Anonymous said...

More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.

There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.

3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?

Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.

Nagarjuna said:

"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"

I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido

All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.

it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."

August 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)

October 17, 2009 5:12 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help

October 18, 2009 9:31 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)

October 18, 2009 10:11 AM

Then Nagarjuna said:

Don't you know that I am God? :-)

Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!

Then Nagarjuna said:

"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.

October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"

Then Nagarjuna said...

"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?

October 27, 2009 9:35 PM‪

Then Nagarjuna said...

I don't know that the Lord exists, nor do I know for sure that he doesn't.

October 29, 2009 10:47 AM

Then Nagarjuna said...

"...a public internet forum where people should be able to discuss subjects like Christianity in a straightforward manner so long as they don't personally attack or insult the people with whom they're discussing them.

I believe that I have lived up to this standard rather well over the past several days in my discussion of Christianity.

October 29, 2009 2:57 PM

Then Nagarjuna said:

I defended PG against irrational hatred and vindictiveness stemming from a lack of understanding of how he couldn't help but do the terrible things he did.

October 29, 2009 11:22 PM

Oh My, HOW WOULD NAG KNOW GARRIDO COULDN'T HELP IT????? Oh, he could have helped himself, but he chose not to!!!!



Anonymous said...

Brenda, do you have those links?

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