Monday, April 14, 2008

Report Released June 2, 2008


Attorney, University, & Law Enforcement Copy
This presentation contains six signed & notarized Declarations verifying there is new evidence concerning Schizophrenia that will affect the courts, the medical field and our institutions of higher learning worldwide.




If you feel the following documents are in any way fraudulent THE CALIFORNIA STATE COURTS ARE OPEN Anyone under the influence of illegal drugs, or if you think you are being led by voices, seek professional help immediately.


There is new insight that has the potential of helping people who hear voices to possibly stop and reexamine their thinking before committing a violent act on themselves and / or others.

A prime example is the woman who threw her three children into the San Francisco Bay. This tragic act could have been avoided if my findings were made public before she found herself being led by a powerful internal and external (hearing) process that places the human mind under a hypnotic siege that in time leads a person to build a delusional belief system that drives them to whatever course of action they take.

The goal of this package is to open the minds of religious leaders, scientists, psychiatrists, physicists and educators worldwide in order to create a wave of controversy that will bring attention towards these new findings.

I will provide Law Enforcement with documents that will legally separate Church and State allowing them a first hand opportunity to examine how this new insight can be applied to begin saving lives. Qualified Law Enforcement professionals can then evaluate and utilize this information as they choose. The goal here for Law Enforcement is to ensure a higher state of qualified control during staff and civilian interactions.

Dated 5/1/08

Included in this package are six Declarations as Affirmations confirming several private demonstrations have taken place that allowed others to witness my freedom to speak in a tongue unknown to the medical field, scientific world and the public in general. The signatures that are located in the middle and at the bottom of each page are to confirm the statements of the entire document. Please note: many other people in the Greater Bay Area are also witnesses to this freedom generating a continued list of growth that in time will clearly become public knowledge.

In order to allow others the freedom to know and accept this ability does exist so they too may confirm it upon request a confidential investigation has been contracted with the following firm;

Aardvark Investigations & Consulting
Ralph A. Hernandez
(Retired career Peace Officer, 33+ years of Investigations experience)
Ralph A. Hernandez in not affiliated with this project in any other capacity

This establishes that in truth and honesty these witnesses do exist and that they did sign the declarations in order to confirm the documents two realities. a. That I do have this God given freedom and b. That I conducted myself concerning this freedom in a mindful state of quality control and acted maturely with everyone.

This Affidavit is to serve as a warning that if anyone professionally explains to others that I have in some way fabricated or made up this story and can not do what is stated in the Declarations are making a serious mistake. That type of dispossession could possibly undermine a passage of knowledge that is intended for the future of all mankind. This affidavit is not to be taken lightly so please consider it slanderous and malicious in nature to speak against this truth as it would be misleading to the public and a serious violation of our civil rights thus under the right circumstances a person can and will be held liable.

The existence behind the liability clause is to insure the safe passage of truth and knowledge, to protect people from harming themselves by following voices, and to provide insight for humans who presently believe in God to freely access this awareness so that they do not harm themselves by speaking out publicly with out first examining the facts. This is all in the hopes of bringing people to sit down maturely without prejudice so that the world of unbelievers may come to know Gods faith is based on sound reasoning rather than furthering the distance and difficulty they have in trying to perceive the possibility that God exists and that he does care.

These statements are not a pursuit or a course of action against anyone who in the past was not able to understand that I can provide proof to such a reality. All those contacted were quite naturally responding correctly as in truth they were acting under the power of the human mind. Due to the fact that a belief system is developed through personal experience and that we act in accordance to that information can cloud our judgments and leave us unable to act other wise, all this can be explained logically through advanced applied psychology. These issues are clearly understandable under the term (cultural trance) as the same principle applied in the days of Columbus where many humans accepted the world was flat. Please consider the civil rights of humans everywhere in the world who would like to be informed in order to benefit from this knowledge.
For further insight please see my report on the "Origin of Schizophrenia Revealed" at the top.
Signed 05/01/2008
X ___________________________
See attached document California Jurat

Investigation Report

Aardvark Investigations & Consulting Ralph A Hernandez,

Private Investigator & Consultant

State of California PI License #PI 23797

P.O. Box 653, Antioch, CA., 94509

Telephone #(925) 565-9659


TO: Phillip Garrido, and/or anyone else interested
FROM: Ralph A. Hernandez, P.I. & Consultant
RE: Confidential Investigation Summary Report - concerning the Affirmations / Declarations matters.
This case investigation was contracted for with me by Mr. Phillip Garrido, in person, on Friday, 2-01-08, at Not Available, The following is a brief summary of my investigation and personal Witness / Subject contacts.
On the dates and times listed below I personally contacted each Witness / Subject separately and individually. I independently obtained from each of them their own verbally stated verification(s) of their individual “Declaration Of Affirmation” as being honest and truthful, each reaffirmed that they did in person witness Mr. Garrido’s presenteddemonstration, experienced its results, and acknowledge placing their individual truthful and honest signatures on their own individual Declarations (as I showed each of them their’s, and questioned them about). They once again reaffirmed their “Declaration Of Affirmation” and its entire contents as their own, and without exception.

a. 02/2/08, Irma Zepeda-Perez, born 10-15-62, contacted in person at Perez Nursery, 201 Sunset Rd. Brentwood, CA. 94513, phone# (925) 516-1052. She disclosed that her former employee Norma Ortiz, another Declarant Witness, no longer worksthere, but she did personally witness Norma’s signing her own separate Declaration.

b. 02/04/08, Timothy D. Allen, born on 8-22-59, contacted in person at his business named East County Glass & Window, located at 441 E. 10th St., Pittsburg, CA. 94565, phone #(925) 432-1433.

c. 02/04/08, Steven Contreras, born on 7-25-54, contacted in person at his business named Steve’s Paint Shop, located at 511Wilbur Ave., unit #B02, Antioch, CA 94509, phone # (925) 706-1911

d. 02.09/08, Deepal Karunaratne, born on 8-12-55, contacted in person at his personal residence located at 2421 Oakley Rd. Antioch, CA 94509, phone #(925) 354-3449

e. 02/24/08, Tiffany Tran, born on 7-26-73, contacted in person at her place of business named Furniture Gallery, located at 50 Snad Creek Rd., Brentwood, CA 94513, phone #(925) 516-3554. Note- When I previously attempted two separate personal contacts there I spoke with her sister Stephanie Tran, showed herthe Declaration in question, and she said that she was present when her sister signed it. She also added that she too witnessed Mr. Garrido’s demonstration and had the same to say about it as her sister did in her Declaration.
Respectfully submitted,

Ralph A. Hernandez

Private Investigator & Consultant #(925) 565-9659

These are the people who signed the declarations.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a sample of the "DECLARATION OF AFFIRMATION" as the originals are photo copied and are not clearly legible.


This document is to affirm that I Phillip Garrido have clearly demonstrated the ability to control sound with my mind and have developed a device for others to witness this phenomena. by using a sound generator to provide the sound, and a headphone amplification system, ( a device to focuc your hearing so as to increase the sensitivity of what one is listening to) I have produced a set of voices by effectively controlling the sound to pronounce words through my own mental powers.

So I __________________________________ state that in the month of June 2006, I witnessed Phillip provide a demonstration at my place of business, controlling a voice or set of voices that are unearthly in nature. I have signed this affirmation to confirm my witnessing of this event.

Concerning the state of Phillips' mindfulness and his freedom to conduct himself appropriately: I will confirm that out of the many years I have interacted with him, business or otherwise, he has always acted mature and intelligent. He has had a steady personality throughout the many years I have known him and is fully capable of handling himself respectfully regardless of the possible out come of any given event. He has never displayed an unsuitable, incoherent or improper cognitive behavior all the years I have known him, nor has he ever mentioned the subject of him hearing voices to my staff or me.

Sign and date this line X_________________________________________

"Gods Desire" is an established incorporation and is
protected under the constitutions first amendments rights.

email Phillip at or godsdesire@rocketmail .com


David Bright Morning said...

Give me a break:

"I will confirm that out of the many years I have interacted with him, business or otherwise, he has always acted mature and intelligent. He has had a steady personality throughout the many years I have known him and is fully capable of handling himself respectfully regardless of the possible out come of any given event. He has never displayed an unsuitable, incoherent or improper cognitive behavior all the years I have known him, nor has he ever mentioned the subject of him hearing voices to my staff or me."

BTW, I'm hearing the voices now:

Unknown said...

Religion at it's best.

Unknown said...


How has the media not picked up on this yet?

So "mature and intelligent" with a "steady personality" that he kidnaps and rapes children.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leslie S said...

What a sick person. Psychotic, sexual deviant, narcissistic. Pray for Jaycee and her two children.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


nick said...

Scum-mania, damn child molestor abducting a young girl. You rotten scum Garrido.

Save The Cats Of Monesson! said...

Sick disgusting freek!
Hope you get raped in prison!

Tatarize said...

He has the ability to produce voices with his mind? -- That's called talking. This guy is a rapist-kidnapper-pedophile and a moron.

To be fair, schizos voices in their heads are actually themselves talking and hearing it. If you setup a mic, you'd loudly hear the voices talk.

Unknown said...

He was standing near the place where he was hiding the girl and her children and then they cried for help, and those people thought he was making the voices...

liz said...

I bet these "witnesses" are pretty upset that they're on his blog now!

Here's how I picture it going:

Unbalanced guy walks into shop, says some random gibberish, asks shopkeeper if they've ever heard that language before. "Uh, no..." Then will they sign this document to that effect? "Uh...okay...[thinking, to shut you up and get you out of my store...]"

kmd said...

Tim Allen left a comment on the latest blog that Garrido printed his business cards at his print shop and used Allen's signature (from paperwork) for this idiotic document.

FreeSpeech12 said...

this man is psychotic as a result of years of sexually assualting a young girl

Henman said...

You and your wife are hideous in both your minds and looks, and if there was any justice in this world you would both get the death penalty, you sick bastards. We're sure someone will do the public a great service and take care of both of you in prison. Have fun with the likes of ol' Charley Manson and his tribe: you're both perfect to become members of his "family" ;)

Unknown said...

I can't believe Tim the Toolman liked this guy and signed declarations of affirmation for him! I'm so boycotting that show now!

Jere said...

This is the craziest post of all! You think these people signed just to get the guy out of their stores?

DARaiente said...


Instead of wasting so much of your pathetic mindfucked time sitting there whoring out your bullshit religion, you should've been thinking of redemption for stealing away a family's little girl.

You say you love your granddaughters (even though their mother was forced to have them)... Would it be alright for another whacked-the-fucked-out criminal like yourself to kidnap one of THEM?? And have you never see them again?? Would you mind??

Your idea of love is warped, just like your pedophilic fucked up brain.

articles on this and other criminal fucks can be always read at my blog, come on by:

Julie said...

You're a rapist, Garrido. No one is listening to you.

Posh Potter said...

don't worry when this crazy man is in prison they'll make him pay dearly. He is soon to be raped himself. I say don't allow him in solitude at all there.

Unknown said...

I hope for Jaycee Dugard's sake this site will be closed.

CoveredWriter said...

I don't even read his blog.

I dont give this shit 2 cents or 2 minutes. Except to day die bitch. burn in hell mother fucker.

Hows that for mature and intelligent?

Maybe we should allow the victims father to SCALP GARRIDO!

And televise it too.

let that be an example to the rest...

SD said...


Anonymous said...

Everything about this whole situation disgusts me. Let's start with Garrido. He has demostrated since an early adult that he does not belong among normal people in society. That being said I blame the entire system for what happened to this family and this poor girl and his other victims. It is Law Enforcement and the Judicial systems responsibility to take these people out of society. He was convicted of kidnapping and raping a woman long ago and sentenced to 50 years. He did 10. That is the real crime here. The liberal state of California has failed us all. The justice system failed us all. How do you let a man convicted of kidnapping and raping a woman go after 10 years?

There were so many obvious signs that anyone with any common sense should have seen. This man is a convicted sex offender! The neighbors knew this! You see kids in the yard? You don't do anything? You are just as much to blame as law enforcement! You are a disgrace to humanity. Don't you know that sex offenders shouldn't be around kids! For god sakes. What are you all tripping on LSD and getting high? This guy needs to be put down and have it done immediately. There is no reason for him to be around. End it.

Unknown said...

What is wrong with you guys - you think he should be raped and put to death in prison? An attitude like that is no better than his.

He is obviously a lunatic and he deserves to spend the rest of his destructive life in prison, but don't wish him death or wish he gets raped - that makes you as scummy as him.

lfk911 said...

Wow, what a loser. What's up with all these people who apparently believed he was controlling sound with his mind? All those business cards signed, affidavits, etc... there are real people there. I'd like to see CNN interview some of those people!

lfk911 said...


hankram said...

Peter, and everybody else,

I don't think Tim Allen in Antioch is the Tim Allen in "Home Improvement". There's a 500-mile difference between Antioch and Hollywood, so there could be more than one Tim Allen.

Brandie Renae said...

The sad fact of the matter is ... pedophiles CAN NOT BE REHABILITATED. statistically, only 1% ... ONE PERCENT are ever successfully rehabilitated. I'm sorry - that's not a large enough percentage to call that 'technique' a success.

That said ... he'll likely get life in prison, in solitary (for HIS safety)

Never mind he kidnapped a girl -- said what ever he did to her to gain her complete compliance.... then raped / impregnated her ... all while HE lived inside a house .... and forced her to live outside like an animal. I hate camping one night. I can't imagine doing it for EIGHTEEN YEARS!!

She will never be able to get over this - she has two children as forever reminders.

There IS no way to make this girl whole again. he killed her when she was 11. who she is now - is not the person she would have been - had she been left alone. She's alive yes .... but when you break someone, how can you say they're still REALLY with us?

I only hope she can gain at least some sort of normalcy as much as she can in this situation.

My opinion is ... 'sure, give him LIFE in prison .... in GEN POP'. The same goes for his embarrassment to the female gender of a wife too.

DumbTube said...

Perhaps some of these people were given 'access' to the girls, if as was reported, this pig pimped out his captive and/or daughters!

Anonymous said...

your life is not built on a great foundation and I was wondering, how does it hold all you fat fucks?

Cynical Christian said...

Anyone attributing his disgusting acts to religion (specifically, to God) have no idea what you're talking about. Just another excuse to bash on something that's inherently good by picking out the bad, twisted, sick apples and making it out to be the norm.

There's nothing about God that says kidnapping and rape are remotely acceptable. Stop distorting facts to suit your anti-religion stance. Ironically, that kind of blind hate is far worse than any real religion could be (and by "real," I mean at its essence without human perversions and misinterpretations).

Unknown said...

To the sick, sick bastards: the Garrido's

I pray the two of you are treated as kindly as you treated Jaycee and her family. I hope you both get raped each and every day while your useless existance is in prison. ROT IN HELL


Carmen said...

I hope Hell really exists, because it is the only punishment fitting for you. Unfortunately, I don't think it does. So, I am hoping that all these people in the country who now know how evil you are will make the rest of your life hell like enough to satisfy us all.

Alan said...

Why are crazy people always drawn to religion? There are a lot of them running around out there.

Unknown said...

I Love You Phil! -Jaycee

reen said...

Scum-mania, damn child molestor abducting a young girl. You rotten scum Garrido.
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henda2k7 said...

when you stand before the almighty god and he asks you why did you rape and hurt innocent victims what will you say? ? you will be denied and scawned to hell. The lord will not have mercy on your soul. Religeon will not save sour sins! you make me ill

henda2k7 said...

when you stand before the almighty god and he asks you why did you rape and hurt innocent victims what will you say? ? you will be denied and scawned to hell. Religeon will not save your sins

ShaneHolden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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