During the month of July 2009 JM's Enterprises, 1215 Willow Pass Road * Pittsburg CA,(925) 439-8118 was the host to a powerful demonstration, the Creator has given me the ability to speak in the tongue of angels in order to provide a wake-up call that will in time include the salvation of the entire world.
You too can witness what the world believe's is impossible to produce! email: godsdesire@rocketmail.com. DON'T MISS OUT!
Friday, August 14, 2009
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«Oldest ‹Older 10201 – 10400 of 12462 Newer› Newest»what is really insulting, I think should have been insulting to any law abiding citizen, no matter what "religion" but wasn't, still calling him "friend":
"PG's actions were the universe's doing."
Unconscionable!!!! In humane. Dirty. SATANIC
Coonhound, his words against Christianity have been there from the start. He just held his tongue back for a while because he knew he had to keep the audience to reel them in. Satan's greatest trick!!!
Your OWN devices fail you.
Hence, the way of atheism.
Never ever have I heard such things come from somebody's mouth before.
and I have shared in friendship with many different people of all shapes, sizes, color, and belief.
But NEVER heard such contempt before this.
I can tolerate much, but that is TOO MUCH.
Well, jeffsess, my efforts will not be in vain...I can assure you that THIS HAS been a learning experience for ME!
nagarjuna cannot hurt god.
But God knows who nagarjuna has hurt with his atheist devices.
I know how you feel, but you just have to pray, if anyone understands this it is God, he knows these evil hearts, they are all around us. It is not the first I have seen, but I thought it was easy to see, but shocking to watch one of the flock fall. I just pray.
"One of the flock fall"?
You mean denise?
I am not going to mention any names. Hoping not to insult and get that fighting stubborn attitude, but rather someone thinking.
Denise has a soft, gentle and patient heart for "the underdog"
But she has testified her love for the Lord.
She'll be just fine.
"The Universe's Doing"
No comment!
I was very happy and comforted though when THAT topic was suffocated out by The WORD!!
Yes, it was certainly high time!!!!
Did you find an KJV on the internet to copy and paste from, or did you type all those scripture on your phone?
I found KJV for mobile a day or two ago when I first starting posting the scripture.
Lol, heck no I didn't type all that.
The little scripture I posted was very difficult to see and type at the same time. And the o on my computer doesn't work so well, so it was not fun. I usually do not quote anyway, I tell people my understanding and then find the scripture for them if they want it. I always suggest that they pray and read rather than just taking anyone's word, and that they should study with at least one other person.
Well, scripture was required these past couple days or so. That's for sure.
That was the first time I ever used an internet site for scripture.
I was glad to have it!
Well, if we find ourselves in that situation again here, then just tell me the scripture and I will handle it.
I don't know why I never took the time to look for one, I have been holding off doing that since I first came to this site.
Why do you not use a study bible, if you don't mind my asking.
There is a scripture someone brought up in here, maybe Denise, that I have been trying to find, but it doesn't fit the keywords used. I know I have read something on this before to. When you meet a non Christian who wants to challenge Christ and God's existence, we are to walk away and pray for them. Not suppose to carry on the argument. I could not find it, but I know I read it too, and that is why I started the list. Some of the comments were so ridiculous, or dangerous to other Christians, so I did comment, but that certainly was not my intent. I do need to find that if you know of it, please let me know. I need to read it and know for my own knowledge and practice.
Well, I have nothing against anyone that does and I have used them before and still will consult them at times.
I have found it more beneficial to sit with the bible, with an open heart and mind, have no pre-asserted agenda, pray for guidance and DIG IN.
Study bibles are too persuasive and limited in scope.
I will consult a study bible AFTER I have thoroughly spent time on the scripture I'm studying.
Also, I have a few people in my life that I will call and talk about it after I've spent time on it.
Make sense?
I don't know, maybe it was just power of suggestion that made me think I read it before. Usually when I don't have this kind of trouble finding something. But who ever mentioned it, also had trouble finding it also.
Oh yes, makes a lot of sense. No matter which I read, I always pray for truth in the word. Well, I can't say always, sometimes I forget, but I have a standing prayer also, Lord, if I should ever forget to pray first, please always only allow in your truth! LOL Seems to work, he is always with me, even if I need a kick in the pants. LOL
King James for me is to slow trying to organize the phrasing. I reread to much and do not get anywhere. It is more like a school lesson instead of food. I compare as I go along though.
also, those "archaic" words used in the older versions have a richer meaning to them than the words they are replaced with in more modern versions.
It was awkard for me at first, but after a while it bemake more natural.
That was my experience too with OT. Oh, how I used to just dred reading from it, OT. But I approached it slow, did much cross-reference, used a dictionary and sometimes an encyclopedia for a historical backdrop. And it is good reading once things start to click, but it was a slow process.
Let's just say I'm glad Jeus says in NT to not get engulfed with geneologies! Lol
Originally the only reason I used KJV (older) was bc it was the only one "acceptable" at the church my husband belonged to. But after a while I saw the benefit in not going REVISED.
But I do have a NIV and other bibles, too.
Of course that fact would not be acceptable to "most" christians I know here. But I don't worry about that.
Lord help, if we had to please "most christians" we'd never get a break! So, I keep a genuine heart to God and worry about what HE thinks.
For me it is not so much the words, those I can handle or look up, but it is the phrasing. The translation from Hebrew to English. The wording is kind of topsy turvy to the English language. I do not know the first thing about the Hebrew language, but I can relate the language difference to German and English, which I do know a little about. It is kind of like this, in English, "would you like a glass of water", and in German it would maybe be phrased, "water in a glass, would you like".
Actually, when I first started, I only wanted the truth, I only wanted the King James version. Simply because I knew some Lost in the Word, I didn't want that, I wanted the truth and sanity. LOL My mother bought me this bible many years ago, which has both the KJV and the study bible because the KJV really wasn't soaking in. I wasn't getting anywhere. It helps quite a bit.
I do have a problem with some of the study bibles out there though. The ones with highlights and other emphasis added. These are obvious someone else's understanding and I don't think allow for any one single person's personal relationship. Mine has the Harper Study bible in it. It has references in the back to help search what you are looking for, but no emphasis.
I wish I did know hebrew or greek.
Whatever, lol.
Bc I would love to read a more original wording of the bible.
But I don't see that happening.
Funny, people around here always argue and dabate about not changing and that KJV has never been changed.
Ok?? Gosh, hate to burst that bubble.
There is ignorance everywhere about everything.
Many christians I know get offended if you are not offended by other denominations. What??
Very perplexing. I love it when I hear it preached that there were NO denominations of christianity during biblical times. Ewwww, do the feather get ruffled in the pews, and the chatter after church.
I feel it is not so much denomination as we understand that term today, but more nationality. In the US, we came here from every other country. Churches, groups of Christians, Presbyterian, Baptist, Catholic, etc. came also. Everyone opening up their worship groups. So we see a lot of this, but, they brought it with them from different places, different tribes as it was rephrased from Hebrew to English I believe. There are differences, but not so much in most. It is the teaching of it that I think sometimes gets lost. It is individual, like your relationship with your own family is individual. Some just go to church and take the "speaker's" word for it. To easy to get lost and rewritten.
You know I see it this way, be of a denomination if you want to, but be humble about it considering that NOT one denomination is listed as such in any bible.
Only jew, christen and gentile. And christen wasn't coined until The Acts.
We (my husband's family and I) are "independent" Baptist, but I don't care to harded my heart or shrug my nose or look down upon any other denomination.
The way I "see" it is not very popular where I live.
Then of course you actually have those who have gotten away with actually changing the word. Adding books to the bible. I cringe.
Om my, look over those pitiful typos!
"Om my"
My real mother was all talk and no action. She would tell everyone we were Presbyterian, but I do not ever remember going to one church with her or studying anything, however, we did have the KJV in the house.
It does not matter to me, a Christian is a believer in Christ, the church decontamination does not matter, the relationship does. I actually only know of one church denomination that twists the word of God.
spelling? the church decontamination LOL
I think all denominations have added their share of embellishments, some more than others.
Some dilute, and some add.
Ahhh, what's a christian to do?
Turn to the Lord!
And pray!
you are right, but why do so many get lost in those that add books? Could it be that they are taught or conditioned to listen to the one at the pulpit and not having that personal relationship, or study outside that pulpit word?
I figured that was your step-mom that you mentioned earlier, but didn't want to ask.
Well, they surely must think we get lost cuz we don't have their extra add-ons! Lol
"Extra add-ons"
No, foster mother, I don't mind saying it. She was the best thing that ever happened to me, but people tend to assume a lot more than they should, so I don't say it to often. My foster father was great to, but he's a sheriff, and that kind of plays with his christian heart sometimes. He kind of soured or hardened seeing crime. Changed him little by little over the years.
oh, they definitely do think we are missing out on salvation LOL. They also think all other Christian men are missing out on have multiple wives, etc.
Yes, you are probably right about the conditioning. That "conditioning" sure seems to be of our own human nature.
Christ was fully liberated in the spirit.
Perhaps we (some) are so weak in the flesh that we must sell ourselves short and trust in these "add-ons" of all kinds.
That is it, selling themselves short. How were they raised, how were they conditioned, were they praised, where they raised to be strong. Yeah, it is conditioning whether parents and teachers know that they do this or not, some people just do not know they have what it takes to seek themselves.
Multiple wives. Ugh!
I can't help but to lol at an underlying tone there, but I could be wrong, in which case don't ruin my chuckle.
BUT when it involves many wives and the wives are still children...big issue there!
I've never know anyone before with mutiple wives.
Well Coonhound, I need to get some sleep, so I can handle the control v keys tomorrow LOL. Have a nice evening.
Its after 3 am here!
I won't ruin your chuckle. It is very sad people have fallen for this church.
Goodnight/Good Morning! God Bless.
Coonhound, once again, why do you not criticize Jeff for accusing me literally hundreds of times over the past nearly three weeks of having committed a federal crime?
When I asked you this yesterday, the answer I understood you to give is that I had said critical things about your Christian faith that no one you know has ever done before. But I think you are intelligent enough to realize that this is irrelevant to the issue of Jeff's accusation. So, would you please share with us why you haven't criticized him for making that accusation over and over and over again without disclosing, at my behest, the proof he claims to have?
Everyone has stuck up for you it is not our job to keep doing so. Coonhound has stuck up for you many many times.
I can relate to your childhood.
Coonhound, do you think it's right for Jeff to constantly refer to my requests that he furnish his proof of my alleged criminality as "flatulence"? Do you think I'm making an unreasonable request?
this is NOT her WAR to fight just like it wasnt mine to fight Boggie and Freak. I have seen you do this before with others, unfortunately it was me. You make someone else accusations someone else responsibility and that is uncalled for.
Should Coonhound join you in blasphemy too? It's a rhetorical question.
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
You are a psychopath
i meant else's in plural
How so Brenda. Were you a foster child?
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
You are a psychopath
Perhaps TOO many times, B*!
Whoa, Coonhound, I forgot we edited.
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
You are a psychopath
Well Yes I was in Foster care for 2 years and in group homes and juvanile halls in between placements when I was a kid from the age of 13. My parents had very bad drinking problems and my dad was very abusive. I graduated highschool at 16 and took care of myself after that ALL on my own. My mom has been sober for awhile now and we have built a relationship. So that is good.
Everyone has stuck up for you it is not our job to keep doing so. Coonhound has stuck up for you many many times."
Brenda, when has Coonhound EVER "stuck up" for me over my legitimate objections to Jeff's accusation?
"You make someone else accusations someone else responsibility and that is uncalled for."
So, let me see if I understand you, Brenda. Are you saying that if someone came out here and said hundreds and hundreds of times that you're a child molester and murderer and that they have sufficient proof to say this, it would be "uncalled for" for you to ask the rest of to take this person to task for it?
Honestly at first I was like how does she not see this? but then I prayed and I realized that I had to have faith that a Zebra always shows his stripes. I am not saying Nag is guilty of all these things but what he is guilty of is not listening, antagonizing, berating, mocking, and attempting to get people into conversation to belittle their point of view. There is NO listening or real attempt at a real relationship its like getting beat up with words everyday with no back up. You might not agree with everything but is it normal to disagree with everyone but yourself. I understand too the meaning of what people write. Although others might think I am Naive I am quite the opposite.
A. no one has called you a pedophile for a long time.
B. Jeff is entitled to his opinion and its not Coonhounds responsibility
plain and simple!
"Perhaps TOO many times, B*!"
Coonhound, how many times is "too many times" to stick up for someone being falsely accused of a crime hundreds and hundreds of times?
Interesting Brenda. We have a lot more in common than than you know. I was on Independent Living since I was 16 also. And I have accepted my real mother, from a distance, but I have accepted her. Only age has slowed her down, not a life saving change yet, but I just pray.
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
You are a psychopath
FDunny that Denise says we dont understand your words or read them correctly obviously you have that problem and Not us! Coonhound has came to your defense more then anyone here!
you mistakingly slapped her in the face with it the other day just like you did to me. and that was the end of that!
I meant (Funny) sorry
O goodness.
Get over it already, JeffSees post is your problem, NOT mine. Fine your own battles.
You have a a much bigger battle to worry and cry over, NaGaRjUnA!
Wake up
"A. no one has called you a pedophile for a long time.
B. Jeff is entitled to his opinion and its not Coonhounds responsibility
plain and simple!"
This doesn't answer my question, Brenda. If someone accused you of what I said previously in the manner in which I specified, would it be "uncalled for" for you to ask the rest of us to take that person to task for it?
What is your objection Nag. That I do not give you what you want to hide? What is your truth Nag?
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
You are a psychopath
"Get over it already, JeffSees post is your problem, NOT mine. Fine your own battles."
So, you think that he is justified in making that accusation hundreds of times, Coonhound?
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
You are a psychopath
I mean, Fight your own battles
Oh jeff,
I understand :) (hug) it took years for my anger to go away but it has now my mom has cancer stage 3 advanced and I take care of her because even though i felt so alone as a child I will not let her be alone and I have forgiven her for her shortcomings. I understand you learn a lot when you take care of yourself as a child.
LOL Coonhound, I understand the typos, it is still early yet.
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
You are a psychopath
"you mistakingly slapped her in the face with it the other day just like you did to me. and that was the end of that!"
A lot of mutual slapping took place that day, Brenda. Why do you come to Coonhound's defense when you think I'm asking her to do something "uncalled for" when you won't come to my defense over Jeff's "uncalled for" accusation?
it answers your question you just choose not to see it!
if someone called me something like that Id blame that person alone!
Im not coming to your defense as when i did you accused me of not doing it just like coonhound so I wont ever make that mistake again!
see your repeating history here and we all see that.
and Lucy your either Nag or Nag is you or if your not and im totally in left field you need to read from the beginning to end of this blog and not just come in in the middle and then base your decision on the old Nagster after that. You defend blindly and that is never good.
Brenda, you make the same emphasis as I always do: I graduated highschool at 16 and took care of myself after that ALL on my own.
It was quite the challenge, but we survived. :)
Here is the right one Coonhound:
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Frankly my dear, I don't give a d*mn.
"Jeff is entitled to his opinion and its not Coonhounds responsibility"
Brenda, yes, people are entitled to their opinions. But having an opinion and stating it publicly as fact are two different things. Suppose my opinion of you were that you are a shockingly stupid and gullible person. Should I express that opinion here? Furthermore, let's suppose that I believed that you WERE a child murderer. Should I express that opinion here as proven fact? Now suppose it was my opinion that you hacked a friend's computer, committing a federal crime in the process. Should I be express that opinion here as proven fact without disclosing the proof when you ask me to do it?
yes it was but look at how much stronger we are :) I always try to emphasize that when i explain it to people which like yourself is rare. I guess maybe because it was a struggle but a learning and growing experience too.I am glad though you had a good foster parents I was not so lucky and ran away.
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a d*mn."
No, Coonhound, it seems that you don't "give a damn" about someone doing injustice to me, but you certainly "give a damn" when you see me doing what you rightly or wrongly consider to be injustice to someone else. Is that not so?
It's not an opinion Nag, it is the truth. Anyone want to question it. You do not need my papers, you only need to go back when Nag was first confronted. For 4 pages, he kept posting little hints for you. Put them all together, that is circumstantial enough for a Jury I believe. But Nag, I have evidence. :)
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
its a public blog Nag you can say whatever the you want to.
you can not "control" this so let it go.
Satan is a weasel.
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
sorry i just meant whatever you want to.
"and Lucy your either Nag or Nag is you or if your not and im totally in left field you need to read from the beginning to end of this blog and not just come in in the middle and then base your decision on the old Nagster after that. You defend blindly and that is never good."
Brenda, what does ANY of that have to do with the issue of Jeff's false accusation against me?
were you talking to me?
Oh yes, brenda do you see that last comment on jeffs last post?
Do you see it?
Thanks jeffsees
"its a public blog Nag you can say whatever the you want to.
you can not "control" this so let it go."
So you believe that if it's a "public" blog, anyone should be able to say all the things in my previous examples about you and there's nothing wrong with them doing it?
Brenda. Oh my, oh my, oh my: yes it was but look at how much stronger we are :) I always try to emphasize that when i explain it to people which like yourself is rare. I guess maybe because it was a struggle but a learning and growing experience too.I am glad though you had a good foster parents I was not so lucky and ran away.
I always say but look how much stronger it has made me. Always. Also, I had 3 other so called homes before my social worker could not stand putting me back into another of the same. He went to the Court, he went to his boss, it was against policy at that time for a social worker to become a foster parent, but they prayed, and they saved me.
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a d*mn."
No, Coonhound, it seems that you don't "give a damn" about someone doing injustice to me, but you certainly "give a damn" when you see me doing what you rightly or wrongly consider to be injustice to someone else. Is that not so?"
Oh no.
That was for NAG!
Sorry b*
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
again you put words in my mouth i just said you cannot control it!
"Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime."
This is false. If it's not false, where's your proof that it's true?
Where does it say Nag, that Coonhound should subject herself to Satan's lies? hmm?
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
its okay Coon i was confused for a sec. lol.
Nag also your throwing stones at a glass house! you have insulted many here so I am asking you again calmly to get off your soap box!
your calling the kettle black
Coonhound, do you have any KJV scripture in that I phone of yours to post regarding Satan's lies and trickery?
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Brenda, he has not only insulted many in here, he has insulted God/Jesus/TheHolySpirit.
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
true story.
Well, maybe not the Spirit, not sure the last paragraph includes him directly or not. Hmmm Nag, does this statement include the Spirit?
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"its a public blog Nag you can say whatever the you want to.
you can not "control" this so let it go." (Brenda)
"So you believe that if it's a "public" blog, anyone should be able to say all the things in my previous examples about you and there's nothing wrong with them doing it?" (Nagarjuna)
"again you put words in my mouth i just said you cannot control it!" (Nagarjuna)
Again, Brenda, DO you believe that if it's a "public" blog, anyone should be able to say all the things in my previous examples about you and there's nothing wrong with them doing it?
you can not "control" this so let it go."
So you believe that if it's a "public" blog, anyone should be able to say all the things in my previous examples about you and there's nothing wrong with them doing it?
"Perhaps TOO many times, B*!"
my sentiments exactly.
you do not appreciate when we do stick up for you then you blame us for the accusations and not sticking up for you. why can you not see that you did this to me now you do it to her??
I wont let it happen. get off her Butt.
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
ummm you said you wrote this:
"again you put words in my mouth i just said you cannot control it!" (Nagarjuna)
but I did actually.
umm yeah
"Nag also your throwing stones at a glass house! you have insulted many here so I am asking you again calmly to get off your soap box!"
(1) Whom have I accused of a federal crime even once much less hundreds and hundreds of times?
(2) Do two wrongs make a right? That is, isn't it still wrong for someone to say something wong about me, even if I have said something wrong about others?
Another update is so necessary:
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Do two wrongs make a right?
you are using my line i said that days ago and no they dont but you think they do!
"its a public blog Nag you can say whatever the you want to.
you can not "control" this so let it go." (Brenda)
"So you believe that if it's a "public" blog, anyone should be able to say all the things in my previous examples about you and there's nothing wrong with them doing it?" (Nagarjuna)
"again you put words in my mouth i just said you cannot control it!" (Nagarjuna)
Again, Brenda, DO you believe that if it's a "public" blog, anyone should be able to say all the things in my previous examples about you and there's nothing wrong with them doing it?
More FLATULENCE from the man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"you are using my line i said that days ago and no they dont but you think they do!:
No, I DON'T think two wrongs make a right. Why do you say that I think they do?
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Still reeling them into the web for another show down of how nasty you can get Nag?
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Nag also your throwing stones at a glass house! you have insulted many here so I am asking you again calmly to get off your soap box!" (Brenda)
Brenda, whom have I accused of a federal crime even once much less hundreds and hundreds of times?
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime."
This is false. If it's not false, where's your proof that it's true?
you have accused Boogie and Freak and Samantha and others of many things.
now the very people that befriended you you turn your back on! like Coonhound. She has been nothing but nice to you.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Do not consult me on the LAW. Nag.
Call the Federal Govt on that if you are so concerned!" Coonhound)
Coonhound, you've been quick to criticize me for doing far less than accusing someone hundreds of times of committing a criminal act. Now I'm wondering why you don't criticize Jeff for his false accusations, and why you don't step in and back me in my request to him to furnish his evidence. Even if you think he's making a true accusation, even though he isn't, don't you think he should do as I request and tell me what proof he has that's sufficient for him to baldly say literally hundreds of times that I committed the crime in question?
Nag, you forgot to mention that I updated the first paragraph. Why do you want the evidence Nag. Do you want to try to destroy the proof on your end?
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
And as you have a memory issue Coonhound even stuck up to Jeff for you. She has befriended you the most even more so then Denise. You owe her an apology and an actual sincere one not just some pompous BS you done mean then the next day cancel out with more insults and NON understanding of anothers emotions feelings and intellect.
8: Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9: And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 10: Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 11: Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
But I will tell you, it makes me think about how Garrido had kidnapped a girl 18 years prior, and then felt bold enough to go to the Federal Government FBI's office and gave them some papers about how he solved pedophilia problems. Wouldn't that be sort of the same thing Nag? Please go, please go!
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
She stood up for you in vain! you took that and flung it on the ground.
I have the rush Coonhound.
"Perhaps TOO many times, B*!" (Coonhound)
Coonhound, how many times is "too many times" to stick up for someone being falsely accused of a crime hundreds and hundreds of times?
He owes me no apologogy.
But thanks B* for standing for me:)
No, he owes be nothing.
Its all good.
Coonhound, how many times is "too many times" to stick up for someone being falsely accused of a crime hundreds and hundreds of times?
Brenda, when once did one of Nag's apologies mean anything other than to calm the masses so he could spread more flatulence. Hasn't he ALWAYS reverted and redone every single thing he has apologized for. So what is the meaning of an apology from Nag, or even the likes of Nag.
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"She stood up for you in vain! you took that and flung it on the ground."
How did I fling it to the ground, Brenda? And are you saying that if someone wrongs me, it is "uncalled for" for me to ask them to speak out against that wrong?
An apology would mean nothing.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Coonhound, how many times is "too many times" to stick up for someone being falsely accused of a crime hundreds and hundreds of times?
Yes, I do, Brenda. But that is beside the point. The point is that it's wrong for Jeff to do what he has done hundreds and hundreds of times, and people of decency stand up against wrongdoing even if they don't like or respect the person the wrong is being done against. Don't you agree?
lol thats why i said sincere actually. lol..
what kind of a man would say these things copied and pasted? What kind of a weasel would continue to go on with it? Could he be the beast in wolves clothing?
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Preach it!"
Preach what, Coonhound? Are you telling Jeff to continue with his falsehoods and misrepresentations?
It is not wrong, and I will post it hundreds and hundreds of times as long as you Satan, are standing on your soap box in the blog or until Google shuts this blog down.
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Unless I die first of course, and then I believe Jesus will find another messenger.
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Perhaps TOO many times, B*!" (Coonhound)
Coonhound, how many times is "too many times" to stick up for someone being falsely accused of a crime hundreds and hundreds of times?
Age has no relevance.
Its the ground he walks on.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a d*mn."
No, Coonhound, it seems that you don't "give a damn" about someone doing injustice to me, but you certainly "give a damn" when you see me doing what you rightly or wrongly consider to be injustice to someone else. Is that not so?
"Preach it!"
Preach what, Coonhound? Are you telling Jeff to continue with his falsehoods and misrepresentations?
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Coonhound, I was looking for Nag's big lie. "I will pray and read, I am just waiting for my wife to get home."
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Coonhound, you are too intelligent not to realize on some level that it's wrong for Jeff to continue accusing me of a crime and for you not to speak out against it. Now I can understand how you don't want to alienate him. You see him and Brenda as your only strong allies against what you perceive as Satanic attacks here on the Christian faith. I want to discuss that issue with you later. But right now the issue is Jeff's false accusation and your not speaking out against it. If what he's doing is wrong, you should speak out against it no matter what. Don't you agree?
Preach the Word!
"Coonhound, I was looking for Nag's big lie. "I will pray and read, I am just waiting for my wife to get home."
It wasn't a "lie," Jeff. It was a pledge predicated on your extending me a courtesy you were unwilling to extend--namely, stopping falsely accusing me of being Lucy and being receptive to me reading John and saying the prayer and coming back here and reporting my experience. You made it clear not only that you believed I was Lucy and had therefore already violated my pledge and destroyed any credibility I might have established with you, but also that you would only respond positively to a credible conversion experience at the end of my experiment. So, under those conditions, what was the point of my following through with the proposition we discussed? The deck was hopelessly stacked against me.
uh huh. What you mean to say is that you will prove "trickery" once again. You will say you will read, if someone releases you from your crime. No, Nag, if you read, you will give up your crime and put it behind you.
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Nag, go pray and read.
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
""Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime." (JeffSees)
This is false. If it's not false, where's your proof that it's true? You have no proof. If I what I say is false, give us your proof or retract your accusation.
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Where did you go, Brenda? You failed to address some of my questions. I trust that you will address them when you return, seeing as how I believe that you're essentially a good person who wants to do the right thing.
It was written...
1 Peter (NT) Chapter 4
Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin;
2: That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.
3: For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:
4: Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you:
5: Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.
6: For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
7: But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.
8: And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.
9: Use hospitality one to another without grudging.
10: As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
11: If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
12: Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
13: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.
14: If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.
15: But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.
16: Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.
17: For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
18: And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
19: Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Coonhound, you are too intelligent not to realize on some level that it's wrong for Jeff to continue accusing me of a crime and for you not to speak out against it. Now I can understand how you don't want to alienate him. You see him and Brenda as your only strong allies against what you perceive as Satanic attacks here on the Christian faith. I want to discuss that issue with you later. But right now the issue is Jeff's false accusation and your not speaking out against it. If what he's doing is wrong, you should speak out against it no matter what. Don't you agree?
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Jeff is entitled to his opinion and its not Coonhounds responsibility" (Brenda)
Brenda, yes, people are entitled to their opinions. But having an opinion and stating it publicly as fact are two different things. Suppose my opinion of you were that you are a shockingly stupid and gullible person. Should I express that opinion here? Furthermore, let's suppose that I believed that you WERE a child murderer. Should I express that opinion here as proven fact? Now suppose it was my opinion that you hacked a friend's computer, committing a federal crime in the process. Should I be express that opinion here as proven fact without disclosing the proof when you ask me to do it?
Nag: He meant life here: 7: But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.
But all you have is:
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
I am here, and they have already been addressed. you must read and actually digest the meaning.
Coonhound, once again, why do you not criticize Jeff for accusing me literally hundreds of times over the past nearly three weeks of having committed a federal crime?
When I asked you this yesterday, the answer I understood you to give is that I had said critical things about your Christian faith that no one you know has ever done before. But I think you are intelligent enough to realize that this is irrelevant to the issue of Jeff's accusation. So, would you please share with us why you haven't criticized him for making that accusation over and over and over again without disclosing, at my behest, the proof he claims to have?
and Nag I am not a christian and nor have I ever attended a Christian church. you would know that if you READ what I had actually wrote.
"I am here, and they have already been addressed. you must read and actually digest the meaning."
No, Brenda, you have not explained why you won't stand up against Jeff's wrongdoing. To say that you won't do it because you don't like how I've conducted myself here in the past doesn't explain why you won't stand up against Jeff's wrongdoing SIMPLY because he's repeatedly and unapologetically doing wrong.
This meant that all that died before Christ came to us from above were given the opportunity to live:
6: For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
Nag, I do not believe he will give the dead another chance.
But all you have is:
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Brenda, I have attended a Catholic Church. We are all the same children of God :)
"and Nag I am not a christian and nor have I ever attended a Christian church. you would know that if you READ what I had actually wrote."
I am not talking about you being Christian, Brenda. I'm talking about you doing right by standing up against Jeff's wrongdoing. Are you saying you have to be Christian to do THAT?
Amen Jeff.
Satan works in mysterious ways even pitting chilren of God against eachother when you realize we are all for the same cause you are truly serving the Lords purpose. That is how I feel.
"Jeff is entitled to his opinion and its not Coonhounds responsibility" (BrendaStar)
Brenda, yes, people are entitled to their opinions. But having an opinion and stating it publicly as fact are two different things. Suppose my opinion of you were that you are a shockingly stupid and gullible person. Should I express that opinion here? Furthermore, let's suppose that I believed that you WERE a child murderer. Should I express that opinion here as proven fact? Now suppose it was my opinion that you hacked a friend's computer, committing a federal crime in the process. Should I be express that opinion here as proven fact without disclosing the proof when you ask me to do it?
Pray with all your heart Nag. Don't just use the words I gave you, but use your own from the pit of your belly. Do not give:
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Foolish man,
Don't you know?
Can't you see?
It is Christ I wish to not alienate!
Thank you Brenda. I sometimes still question it, but it feels He has me here. I still seek the scripture telling us not to converse with those that oppose Satan, but I also know I do have the scripture to protect his sheep.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Satan works in mysterious ways even pitting chilren of God against eachother when you realize we are all for the same cause you are truly serving the Lords purpose. That is how I feel."
So, Brenda, you claim not to be Christian, yet you praise Jeff for "serving the Lord's purpose" in his spreading serious falsehoods about me. You've previously claimed to be a smart woman. Does this make any sense to you?
Lord forgive me:
Thank you Brenda. I sometimes still question it, but it feels He has me here. I still seek the scripture telling us not to converse with those that oppose Satan, but I also know I do have the scripture to protect his sheep.
I meant those who oppose Jesus.
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Foolish man,
Don't you know?
Can't you see?
It is Christ I wish to not alienate!"
So let me get this straight, Coonhound. Are you saying that you would "alienate Christ" by standing up against Jeff's falsehoods?
If b* is catholic,
Then she is most certainly a Christian!
Coonhound never said they were false Nag.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Amen. Christian. Believer in Christ!
Any Christian, who calls themselves a Christian rather than a denomination or tribe, that I know, only does so to keep the peace between all tribes, and to recognize that it is God that we all have in common, and not our own will to have it our own way.
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
Please repost that scripture.
It is written for us as guidance in servitude.
Those with eyes, let them see.
Those with ears, let them hear.
Those without Christ, we must be a witness to the truth.
"Pray with all your heart Nag. Don't just use the words I gave you, but use your own from the pit of your belly."
Jeff, why didn't you make this sincere request without following it up with your accusations? It's like you're saying, "Steve, reach out to God, but you're a disgusting flatulence spouting criminal psychopath. Not exactly the best way to lead a stray lamb to Christ, is it? It seems like trying to entice a stray lamb by blowing an obnoxious horn in its ear and kicking it repeatedly. If it has any sense at all, it's going to run away from you rather than go with you, wouldn't you say?
But as for your request, I have prayed many times to a Lord from whom I've have never received any indication that I recognized as such that He, She, or It heard me.
Why don't you do what you said you would do yesterday. Could it be more lies, deceit, trickery? What was your purpose to say you would do what we know you did fully NOT intend on doing?
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Foolish man,
Don't you know?
Can't you see?
It is Christ I wish to not alienate!" (Coonhound)
So let me get this straight, Coonhound. Are you saying that you would "alienate Christ" by standing up against Jeff's falsehoods?
Does Christ condone falsehood? Does he condone one of his "lambs" saying hundreds of times WITHOUT PROOF that someone has committed a crime he hasn't committed? Is THAT the Christ you want me to embrace, Coonhound?
Oh my dear.
Christ was the last and final lamb.
The last offering from God.
You have denied Him.
The "struggle" of choice was made final through christ by God, the father!
You have a choice!
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
"Why don't you do what you said you would do yesterday. Could it be more lies, deceit, trickery? "
No. I already explained why. But, of course, you didn't acknowledge it. Should I repost it for you, or can you find it by yourself?
Coonhound, why does Satan attempt to use God's words, twist God's words when he has been exposed? Does this make sense to you. Would anyone believe the intent of using God's word from Satan?
I had the rush Coonhound.
More FLATULENCE from the HACKER man who says: And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face.
There is nothing to resolve with you Nag. You are hell bent on twisting things, your goal is clear. There is no "false witness". Read your posts and go away in shame.
3 times Jesus asked to make his point clear. "Do you love me?", yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep". "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, I love you. "Watch out for my sheep" "Do you love me?" Yes Lord, you know that I love you, you know all. Did Jesus have to say again, then watch out for my sheep, or did he know that if we loved him, we would?
Watchout everyone, Nagarajuna is hacking computers. He didn't get mine, but he got into some confidential business docs with personal information of a young girl Those docs have confidential information and it is a Federal Crime.
Nagarjuna said:
"Vladb, .. Now you say I'm a "pedophile lover" and, therefore, "worse than the actual pedophile,"
I would be obligated to love or, at least try to love, Garrido
All you've done is continue to babble on about how you'd like to rape or see others rape and torture this sick man for the rest of his life for his sick deeds and then see him agonize in hell forever and ever for them.
it seems to me that our species is doomed by its inability to rise above its baser emotions and see things clearly. In this case, this means seeing that it is wrong to hate and publicly advocate the rape and torture of a human being for his sick acts."
August 29, 2009 9:21 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
And while you're at it, kiss my big sweaty ass while I unleash monstrous flatulence in your face. :-)
October 17, 2009 5:12 PM
Then Nagarjuna said:
if we overreact to it the way you describe and call it such an awful, disgustingly repulsive, monstrous thing that destroys children's lives, how does it REALLY help
October 18, 2009 9:31 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Let me spread my cheeks for you, Boogie, "Jeff," Samantha, and Freak. Move in close and prepare to inhale deeply. :-)
October 18, 2009 10:11 AM
Then Nagarjuna said:
Don't you know that I am God? :-)
Then..... This is one for the books, I couldn't help from adding it - and you have a hell of a lot of nerve criticizing Christianity with this type of thinking. Whoa!!!!
Then Nagarjuna said:
"If there is nothing outside the universe, there can be no one and no-thing outside the ultimate you to make THAT you do what you do. It's the universe's doing. PG's actions were the universe's doing.
October 24, 2009 6:12 PM"
Then Nagarjuna said...
"How and why would one humble one's heart to a God in which one doesn't believe and finds not only extremely improbable but disgustingly offensive?
October 27, 2009 9:35 PM
You are a psychopath
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